第8章 日常电话用语(4)
8. 我的皮肤很干,有保湿的吗? My skin is very dry, do you have moisturiser?
9. 这款香水很适合你。 This kind of perfume suits you.
10. 我用这个过敏了。 I’m allergic to this.
11. 我买了防晒霜。 I’ve bought sun cream.
12. 这款产品是针对40岁以上的女士。 This product is aimed at
women over 40.
13. 有男士化妆品吗? Do you sell men’s cosmetics?
14. 您不适合这款产品。 This product isn’t suitable for you.
15. 买这一套化妆品,赠送你一个50克洗面奶。 When you buy this set of cosmetics, you get a free 50 gram bottle of facial wash.
最近DELL新出了一款电脑,我们去看看吧。 Dell have brought out a new computer recently, Let’s go to have a look.
我对电脑不在行,你帮我看看吧。 I’m not too good with com-puters, could you help me have a look?
3. 我想要17寸的屏幕。 I would like a 17 inch screen.
4. 你要笔记本还是台式机? Would you like a lap top or a desktop computer?
5. 这款电脑卖得最好! This is the best computer to buy.
这款适合女孩子。 This one suits women.
你对电脑有什么需求? What kind of computer req-uirements do you have?
8. 最小的笔记本多大? How big is the smallest lap-top?
9. 我没有特别的需求。 I don’t have any special re-quirements.
10. 最便宜的是哪款? Which one is the cheapest?
11. 那款太老了。 That one is too old.
12. 你想要哪个牌子的? What brand do you want?
13. 您要国产的还是进口的? Do you want a local brand or an imported brand?
14. 我想要小一点儿的,这样携带方便。 I would like a slightly/little smaller, as it’s easy to carry around.
15. 这个鼠标不太好用。 This mouse doesn’t work well.
我给你介绍一下今年的新款吧。 I will show you this years new products.
有照相功能吗? Does it have a camera?
3. 这个屏幕太小。 This screen is too small.
4. 可以下载软件吗? Can I download software?
5. 这个键摸起来不舒服。 The keys don’t feel com-fortable.
6. 这款手机有很多功能。 This phone has a lot of fun-ctions.
7. 这是去年的款式,现在在打折。 This is last year’s range, so now there is a discount.
8. 有3个颜色,你可以选择。 There are 3 colours you can choose from.
9. 您想要多少钱的,我可以给你推荐。 How much do you want to spend? I can recommend.
10. 有几块电池? How many batteries are
11. 这个手机的音乐效果非常好。 This phones music sound effect is very good.
12. 我不需要这么多功能。 I don’t need so many
13. 这款手机没耳机。 This phone doesn’t have a
head set.
14. 我想要带手写功能的。 Do you want a handwriting function?
15. 这个待机时间非常长。 The standby time is very long.
我想买一款SONY的照相机。 I would like to buy a SONY
这款拍摄效果怎么样? Does this one take good
3. 赠送电池吗? Are batteries included?
4. 哪一款功能更多? Which one has more
5. 能打折吗? Can you give a discount?
6. 如果坏了,去哪维修? If it breaks, where can you get fixed?
7. 晚上拍照的效果好吗? Can I take good photographs at night time?
8. 我建议你买专业照相机。 I suggest you buy a
professional camera.
9. 这个照出来不太清楚。 The photos aren’t very clear.
10. 这款相机的样子不太好看。 The cameras appearance
isn’t very nice.
11. 要一个银色的吧。 I would like a silver one.
12. 如果坏了,拿保修卡去店里修。 If it breaks, take the warr-anty card back to shop to fix.
13. 这两款的区别是什么? What is the difference betw-
een these two cameras?
14. 这是今年新款,那是去年的款式。 This is this years new pro-duct, that is last years.
15.. 新款不打折。 The new product doesn’t have a discount.
今天家电打折,我们去看看吧。 Today there is an appliance sale, we are going to have a look.
我们想选一个大一点的电视。 We would like a slightly lar-
ger TV.
3. 要哪个牌子的电视? You would like what brand of TV?
4. 我们要选一个大一点的冰箱。 We will choose the slightly bigger fridge.
5. 我可以给你们介绍几款不错的洗衣机。 I can show you some pretty good washing machines.
6. 有适合一个人用的洗衣机吗? Do you have a washing mach-
ine suitable for one person?
7. 我要全自动的洗衣机。 I want a fully automatic
washing machine.
8. 请问,送货吗? May I ask, do you deliver?
9. 今天能送到我家吗? Can you deliver to my house today?
10. 保修时间是多长? Is the guarantee period
11. 这个太大了,我的厨房很小。 This is too big, my kitchen is small.
12. 请收好保修卡。 Look after your warranty
13. 保修几年? How many years is the
14. 现在买洗衣机赠送洗衣粉。 Right now we are giving away washing powder with this washing machine.
15. 这是最受欢迎的一款电视。 This is the most popular tele-