Part B Dialogues
Dialogue 1
A—service manager B—worried customer C—other customers
A: Good morning, sir.What can I do for you? You look so worried.
B: Yes, I have to transfer some money to someone before 10 o’clock.Now it is ten minutes to ten.But there are still four persons in front of me.I don’t know what to do for such a hurry.
A: Please don’t worry.Let me help you with your business.(to other customers) Ladies and gentlemen, I am so sorry to bother you.But this young man is in a hurry.Would you mind if we do his business before your turn?
C: No problem, please go ahead.
A: Thank you so much for your cooperation.(to the worried customer) Please.
B: (to other customers) It’s very kind of you.Thank you very much.(to the service manager) Thanks a lot.
A: Don’t mention it.My pleasure.
Dialogue 2
A—service manager B—customer
A: Good afternoon, miss.May I help you?
B: Yes.Could you tell how to get to the Human Resource Department?
A: Certainly.Please go straight this way until to the end.Turn left at the corridor, then go upstairs.The department is on the second floor.
B: Thank you.By the way, the manager’s office is also on the same floor?
A: Yes, you can’t miss it.
B: Thanks.Goodbye.
A: Goodbye.
Dialogue 3
A—customer service clerk B—customer
A: Hello, Bank of China, No.245 serves for you.
B: Hello, can you tell me something about renting a safe deposit box? I want to put some securities and insurance policies in a safe place.
A: Yes, sir.We have three different box sizes which we can rent.The yearly rental fee depends on the size of the box.Most people use the small size box.It’s just right for securities and other valuable papers.
B: Do I have the only key to the box?
A: We will give you more than one key if you like.But we must have signature cards for all authorized box users.It requires your key and the bank’s key to open a box.
B: I see.How long can I rent it ?
A: At least half a year.
B: Thank you.Goodbye.
A: Not at all.Goodbye.
Dialogue 4
A—manager B—customer
B: Could you do me a favor ?
A: Certainly.
B: I want to remit some money to my father.What should I do?
A: Please fill in this form first.By the way , do you take your number ?
B: Yes.
A: OK.Please take a seat and wait your turn.
B: Thank you.
A: You’re welcome.
Dialogue 5
A—manager B—customer
A: Hello, I’m the manager.Is there anything I can do for you?
B: Hello.This teller said my 100-yuan note was a counterfeit note and must be confiscated.My money can’t be a forged one.
A: Calm down, please.I’m sorry to hear that.But according to the regulations, the counterfeit note must be confiscated on the spot, once it is found.The bank will issue a certificate of confiscation to you.Let’s identify it again.
B: OK.
Dialogue 6
A—manager B—customer
B: Hello, are you the manager?
A: Yes, what’s up?
B: I want to express my thanks to that miss of counter No.1.She is warmhearted, considerate and patient, with an especially charming smile which make me feel comfortable.I am so satisfied with her service.
A: Thank you.I am so glad to hear what you said.It’s our duty and responsibility.
B: Thanks for your good service.Goodbye.
A: You’re welcome at any time.
New Words and Expressions
withdraw [wiT5drC:] vt. 取(款)
bother [5bCTE] vt. 打扰
cooperation [kEu7CpE5reiFEn] n. 合作
corridor [5kCridC:] n. 走廊
rent [rent] vt. 租借
security [si5kjuEriti] n. 有价证券
insurance [in5FuErEns] n. 保险
fee [fi:] n. 费用,专业服务费
signature [5si^nitFE] n. 签名
authorize [5C:WEraiz] vt. 授权,委托
favor [5feivE] n. 关切,好意
remit [ri5mit] vt. 汇出
counterfeit [5kauntEfit] adj. 伪造的,假冒的
forge [5fC:dV] vt. 伪造
regulation [re^ju5leiFEn] n.规章,规定
issue [5isju:] vt. 发行
certificate [5sE5tifikit] n. 证书,证明书
identify [ai5dentifai] vt. 鉴别,确认
express [iks5pres] vt. 表达
warmhearted [5wC:mhB:tid] adj. 热心肠的
considerate [kEn5sidErit] adj. 考虑周到的
patient [5peiFEnt] adj. 耐心的
charming [5tFB:miN] adj. 迷人的
comfortable [5kQmfEtEbl] adj. 舒适的
satisfy [5sAtisfai] vt. 使满意
duty [5dju:ti] n. 义务,工作,责任,职责
responsibility [ris7pCnsE5biliti] n. 责任,职责
go ahead 继续
Human Resource Department 人力资源部
safe deposit box 保管箱
insurance policy 保险合同
depend on 依赖,随……而定
1.Would you mind ...?
用于非常客气有礼貌的询问。后面可跟从句或者动名词。如 Would you mind if I open the window? 或者 Would you mind opening the window?
2.This is Mike Smith from ABC Company speaking.May I speak to Mr.Li ?
我是ABC公司的Mike Smith,李先生在吗?
电话用语,自我介绍时,一定要用This is sb.speaking.