第114章 CHAPTER XXV(2)
Macdonald, with the ready courtesy characteristic of him, immediately arranged for a hearing of the delegation from British Columbia. Ranald was surprised at the indifference with which he approached this meeting. He seemed to have lost capacity for keen feeling of any kind. Sir John A. MacDonald and his cabinet received the delegation with great kindness, and in every possible way strove to make them feel that the government was genuinely interested in the western province, and were anxious to do all that could be done in their interest. In the conference that ensued, the delegate for Victoria took a more prominent part, being an older man, and representing the larger and more important constituency. But when Sir John began to ask questions, the Victoria delegate was soon beyond his depth. The premier showed such an exactness of knowledge and comprehensiveness of grasp that before long Ranald was appealed to for information in regard to the resources of the country, and especially the causes and extent of the present discontent.
"The causes of discontent are very easy to see, " said Ranald;"all British Columbians feel hurt at the failure of the Dominion government to keep its solemn obligations.""Is there nothing else now, Mr. Macdonald?"
"There may be," said Ranald, "some lingering impatience with the government by different officials, and there is a certain amount of annexation sentiment.""Ah," said Sir John, "I think we have our finger upon it now.""Do not over-estimate that," said Ranald; "I believe that there are only a very few with annexation sentiments, and all these are of American birth. The great body of the people are simply indignant at, and disappointed with, the Dominion government.""And would you say there is no other cause of discontent, Mr.
Macdonald?" said Sir John, with a keen look at Ranald.
"There is another cause, I believe," said Ranald, "and that is the party depression, but that depression is due to the uncertainty in regard to the political future of the province. When once we hear that the railroad is being built, political interest will revive.""May I ask where you were born?" said Sir John.
"In Glengarry," said Ranald, with a touch of pride in his voice.
"Ah, I am afraid your people are not great admirers of my government, and perhaps you, Mr. Macdonald, share in the opinion of your county.""I have no opinion in regard to Dominion politics. I am for British Columbia.""Well, Mr. Macdonald," said Sir John, rising, "that is right, and you ought to have your road.""Do I understand you to say that the government will begin to build the road at once?" said Ranald.
"Ah," smiled Sir John, "I see you want something definite.""I have come two thousand miles to get it. The people that sent me will be content with nothing else. It is a serious time with us, and I believe with the whole of the Dominion.""Mr. Macdonald," said Sir John, becoming suddenly grave, "believe me, it is a more serious time than you know, but you trust me in this matter.""Will the road be begun this year?" said Ranald.
"All I can say to-day, Mr. Macdonald," said Sir John, earnestly, "is this, that if I can bring it about, the building of the road will be started at once.""Then, Sir John," said Ranald, "you may depend that British Columbia will be grateful to you," and the interview was over.
Outside the room, he found Captain De Lacy awaiting him.
"By Jove, Macdonald, I have been waiting here three-quarters of an hour. Come along. Maimie has an afternoon right on, and you are our lion." Ranald would have refused, but De Lacy would not accept any apology, and carried him off.
Maimie's rooms were crowded with all the great social and political people of the city. With an air of triumph, De Lacy piloted Ranald through the crowd and presented him to Maimie. Ranald was surprised to find himself shaking hands with the woman he had once loved, with unquickened pulse and nerves cool and steady. Here Maimie, who was looking more beautiful than ever, and who was dressed in a gown of exquisite richness, received Ranald with a warmth that was almost enthusiastic.
"How famous you have become, Mr. Macdonald," she said, offering him her hand; "we are all proud to say that we know you.""You flatter me," said Ranald, bowing over her hand.
"No, indeed. Every one is talking of the young man from the West.
And how handsome you are, Ranald," she said, in a low voice, leaning toward him, and flashing at him one of her old-time glances.
"I am not used to that," he said, "and I can only reply as we used to in school, 'You, too.'""Oh, now you flatter me," cried Maimie, gayly; "but let me introduce you to my dear friend, Lady Mary Rivers. Lady Mary, this is Mr.
Macdonald from British Columbia, you know."
"Oh, yes," said Lady Mary, with a look of intelligence in her beautiful dark eyes, "I have heard a great deal about you. Let me see, you opposed separation; saved the Dominion, in short.""Did I, really?" said Ranald, "and never knew it.""You see, he is not only famous but modest," said Maimie; "but that is an old characteristic of his. I knew Mr. Macdonald a very long time ago.""Very," said Ranald.
"When we were quite young."
"Very young," replied Ranald, with great emphasis.
"And doubtless very happy," said Lady Mary.
"Happy," said Ranald, "yes, so happy that I can hardly bear to think of those days.""Why so?" inquired Lady Mary.
"Because they are gone."
"But all days go and have to be parted with.""Oh, yes, Lady Mary. That is true and so many things die with them, as, for instance, our youthful beliefs and enthusiasms. Iused to believe in every one, Lady Mary."
"And now in no one?"
"God forbid! I discriminate."