第110章 Van Berg's Escape.(1)
Ida found the party,on whose companionship she had in a measure forced herself,waiting and calling for her.The words of the old gentleman had inspired them with kinder and more considerate feeling.
"I'm coming,"she answered;"don't wait for me,I'll keep near you."As they had already observed her evident wish to be left to herself,they complied with her request.
The icy calm of her despair was now broken.
"God bless him for his kindness!"she murmured,and "God bless him for his hearty,hopeful words;they may save me yet,"and she followed the others,crying softly to herself like a little child.
It would seem as if every warm tear fell on her heart,that had been so hard and desperate before,so rapidly did it melt at the thought of the old man's kindness.
But before she reached the hotel she began to grow excessively weary.She had not only overtaxed her powers of endurance,but had over-estimated them.
At last,as she was about to ask her companions to walk more slowly,lest she should be left alone by the roadside in her weakness,she heard the sound of strong,rapid steps.
"Where is Miss Mayhew?"was the anxious query of a voice that made her heart bound and color come into her face,even at the moment of almost mortal weakness and weariness.
"Here is Miss Mayhew,"said one of the half-grown youths."She prefers to walk by herself,it seems.""Thank you,"replied Van Berg,decisively."I will see her safely home;"and the part went on,leaving him face to face with the maiden whom he now believed he had very greatly wronged,and who,he feared might yet proved herself capable of a terrible crime.
She stood before him with bowed head.In her weakness and agitation she trembled so violently that even in the starlight he could not help seeing her distress,and it filled him at once with pity and alarm.
"You are ill,Miss Mayhew,"he said,anxiously.
"Yes,"she answered;then,conscious of her growing need,she said,appealingly,"Mr.Van Berg,with all my faults I am at least a woman.Please help me home.I'm so weak and weary that I'm almost ready to faint."He seized her hand and faltered hoarsely,"Miss Mayhew,you have not--you have not taken that drug---"She was so vividly conscious of her own dark secret,and so impressed by his power to discover all the evil in her nature,that she replied in a low tone,"Hush.I understand you.Not yet.""Thank God!"he ejaculated,with such a deep sigh of relief that she looked at him in surprise.The he drew her hand within his arm,and weary as she was,she could not help noting that it trembled as if he had an ague.
For a few moments they walked on without speaking.Then the artist addressed her.
"Miss Mayhew---"
"Mr.Van Berg,"she said,hastily interrupting him."Spare me to-night.I'm too weary even to think."Again they walked on in silence,but his agitation was evidently increasing.
"Let me enter by that side door,please,"she said as they approached the hotel.
"Miss Mayhew,"he began in a low,hurried tone,"I must speak.You said you were a woman.As such I appeal to you.A woman may,at times,have no pity on herself,but it rarely happens that she is pitiless towards others,and it is said that she is often the most generous and merciful towards those who have wronged her.I have wronged you cruelly and unpardonably.I knew it as soon as you entered the parlor last evening.There is no excuse for me--Iwill never forgive myself,but I do most sincerely apologize and ask your forgiveness.Miss Mayhew,I appeal to your generosity--Iappeal to your woman's heart.If you should consummate the awful purpose which I fear has been in your mind,I should go mad with remorse.You would destroy me as surely as yourself.Pardon me for speaking thus,but I fear so greatly--O God!can she have already committed the fatal act?"Ida's overtaxed powers had given way,and she would have fallen had he not sustained her.His words had overwhelmed her,and,taken in connection with those spoken by old Mr.Eltinge,had given a glimpse of the awful abyss into which she had well nigh plunged,dragging others,perhaps,after her.She recoiled from it all so strongly that she became sick and faint from dread;and Van Berg was compelled to support her to a rustic seat near the path.He was bout to leave her in order to obtain assistance,when she put her hand on his arm and gasped:
"Wait--give me time--I'll soon be better.Do not call any one,Ibeg."
"Let me quietly bring you a little wine,then,from my own room?"She bowed her assent.
The stimulant soon revived her.He stood at her side waiting with intense anxiety till she should speak.At last she rose slowly and weakly,saying in a low tone:
"Mr.Van Berg,I suppose I have now reached the lowest depth in your estimation,but I cannot help it.I admit that I was in an awful and desperate mood,and was about to act accordingly.There is no use of trying to hid anything from you.But a good man spoke kindly to me to-night,and the black spell is broken.There is the drug I purchased,"and she handed him the phial of laudanum.
"You many now dismiss all fears.I will explain further another time if you care to hear.Please let me go in by myself.""Pardon me for saying,no,"he answered,gently."I think I am best able to-night to judge of what is right.You must go in at the main entrance,and on my arm.Henceforward I shall treat you with respect,and I intend that all others shall also."With a low sob,she said,impulsively:"Oh,Mr.Van Berg,forgive me!but that was my motive.I meant to compel your respect;and I thought there was no other way.I thought that if I went to my grave,instead of going to the man who attempted your life,you would see that you had misjudged me.Here is a letter which I wrote you.It should go with the poison.It is all that I can offer in excuse or extenuation.""Good God!"he exclaimed."I have escaped a worse fate than yours would have been,"and she felt his arm again trembling violently beneath her hand.
"I did not think you would care so greatly,"she murmured.