When, followed by Paphnutius, Thais entered the banqueting-room, the guests were already, for the most part, assembled, and reclining on their couches before the horseshoe table, which was covered with glittering vessels.In the centre of the table stood a silver basin, surmounted by four figures of satyrs, who poured out from wine-skins on the boiled fish a kind of pickle in which they floated.When Thais appeared, acclamations arose from all sides.
Greetings to the sister of the Graces!
To the silent Melpomene, who can express all things with her looks!
Salutation to the well-beloved of gods and men!
To the much desired!
To her who gives suffering and its cure!
To the pearl of Racotis!
To the rose of Alexandria!
She waited impatiently till this torrent of praise had passed, and then said to Cotta, the host--"Lucius, I have brought you a monk of the desert, Paphnutius, the Abbot of Antinoe.He is a great saint, whose words burn like fire."Lucius Aurelius Cotta, the Prefect of the Fleet, rose, and replied--"You are welcome, Paphnutius, you who profess the Christian faith.Imyself have some respect of a religion that has now become imperial.
The divine Constantine has placed your co-religionists in the front rank of the friends of the empire.Latin wisdom ought, in fact, to admit your Christ into our pantheon.It was a maxim of our forefathers that there was something divine in every god.But no more of that.Let us drink and enjoy ourselves while there is yet time."Old Cotta spoke tranquilly.He had just studied a new model for a galley, and had finished the sixth book of his history of the Carthaginians.He felt sure he had not lost his day, and was satisfied with himself and the gods.
"Paphnutius," he added, "you see here several men who are worthy to be loved--Hermodorus, the High Priest of Serapis; the philosophers Dorion, Nicias, and Zenothemis; the poet Callicrates; young Chereas and young Aristobulus, both sons of dear old comrades; and near them Philina and Drosea, who deserve to be praised for their beauty."Nicias embraced Paphnutius, and whispered in his ear--"I warned you, brother, that Venus was powerful.It is her gentle force that has brought you here in spite of yourself.Listen: you are a man full of piety, but if you do not confess that she is the mother of the gods, your ruin is certain.Do you know that the old mathematician, Melanthes, used to say, 'I cannot demonstrate the properties of a triangle without the aid of Venus'?"Dorion, who had for some seconds been looking at the new-comer, suddenly clapped his hands and uttered a cry of surprise.
"It is he, friends! His look, his beard, his tunic--it is he himself!
I met him at the theatre whilst our Thais was acting.He was furiously excited, and spoke with violence, as I can testify.He is an honest man, but he will abuse us all; his eloquence is terrible.If Marcus is the Plato of the Christians, Paphnutius is the Demosthenes.Epicurus, in his little garden, never heard the like."Philina and Drosea, however, devoured Thais with their eyes.She wore on her fair hair a wreath of pale violets, each flower of which recalled, in a paler hue, the colour of her eyes, so that the flowers looked like softened glances, and the eyes like sparkling flowers.It was the peculiar gift of this woman; on her everything lived, and was soul and harmony.Her robe, which was of mauve spangled with silver, trailed in long folds with a grace that was almost melancholy and was not relieved by either bracelets or necklaces.The chief charm of her appearance was her beautiful bare arms.The two friends were obliged to admire, in spite of themselves the robe and head-dress of Thais, though they said nothing to her on the subject.
"How beautiful you are!" said Philina."You could not have been more so when you came to Alexandria.Yet my mother, who remembers seeing you then, says there were few women who were worthy to be compared with you.""Who is the new lover you have brought?" asked Drosea."He has a strange, wild appearance.If there are shepherds of elephants, assuredly he must resemble one.Where did you find such a wild-looking friend, Thais? Was it amongst the troglodytes who live under the earth, and are grimy with the smoke of Hades?"But Philina put her finger on Drosea's lips.
"Hush! the mysteries of love must remain secret, and it is forbidden to know them.For my own part, certainly, I would rather be kissed by the mouth of smoking Etna than by the lips of that man.But our dear Thais, who is beautiful and adorable as the goddesses, should, like the goddesses, grant all requests, and not, like us, only those of nice young men.""Take care, both of you!" replied Thais."He is a mage and an enchanter.He hears words that are whispered, and even thoughts.He will tear out your heart while you are asleep, and put a sponge in its place, and the next day, when you drink water, you will be choked to death."She watched them grow pale, then she turned away from them, and sat on a couch by the side of Paphnutius.The voice of Cotta, kind but imperious, was suddenly heard above the murmur of conversation.
"Friends, let each take his place! Slaves, pour out the honeyed wine!"Then, the host raising his cup--
"Let us first drink to the divine Constantine and the genius of the empire.The country should be put first of all, even above the gods, for it contains them all."All the guests raised their full cups to their lips.Paphnutius alone did not drink, because Constantine had persecuted the Nicaean faith, and because the country of the Christian is not of this world.
Dorion, having drunk, murmured--