Then Fin and Earl Orm appointed a meeting with Hakon Ivarson; and when they met Fin explained his errand to Hakon, and the offer which King Harald made him.It was soon seen, from Hakon's speech, that he considered it to be his great duty to avenge the death of his relative, Eindride; and added, that word was come to him from Throndhjem, from which he might expect help in making head against the king.Then Fin represented to Hakon how much better it would be for him to accept of as high a dignity from the king as he himself could desire, rather than to attempt raising a strife against the king to whom he was owing service and duty.He said if he came out of the conflict without victory, he forfeited life and property: "And even if thou hast the victory, thou wilt still be called a traitor to thy sovereign." Earl Orm also supported Fin's speech.After Hakon had reflected upon this he disclosed what lay on his mind, and said, "I will be reconciled with King Harald if he will give me in marriage his relation Ragnhild, King Magnus Olafson's daughter, with such dower as is suitable to her and she will be content with." Fin said he would agree to this on the king's part; and thus it was settled among them.Fin then returned to Throndhjem, and the disturbance and enmity was quashed, so that the king could retain his kingdom in peace at home; and the league was broken which Eindride's relations had made among themselves for opposing King Harald.
When the day arrived for the meeting at which this agreement with Harald should be finally concluded, Hakon went to King Harald;and in their conference the king said that he, for his part, would adhere to all that was settled in their agreement."Thou Hakon," says he, "must thyself settle that which concerns Ragnhild, as to her accepting thee in marriage; for it would not be advisable for thee, or for any one, to marry Ragnhild without her consent." Then Hakon went to Ragnhild, and paid his addresses to her.She answered him thus: "I have often to feel that my father, King Magnus, is dead and gone from me, since Imust marry a bonde; although I acknowledge thou art a handsome man, expert in all exercises.But if King Magnus had lived he would not have married me to any man less than a king; so it is not to be expected that I will take a man who has no dignity or title." Then Hakon went to King Harald and told him his conversation with Ragnhild, and also repeated the agreement which was made between him and Fin, who was with him, together with many others of the persons who had been present at the conversation between him and Fin.Hakon takes them all to witness that such was the agreement that the king should give Ragnhild the dower she might desire."And now since she will have no man who has not a high dignity, thou must give me such a title of honour; and, according to the opinion of the people, Iam of birth, family and other qualifications to be called earl."The king replies, "When my brother, King Olaf, and his son, King Magnus, ruled the kingdom, they allowed only one earl at a time to be in the country, and I have done the same since I came to the kingly title; and I will not take away from Orm the title of honour I had before given him."Hakon saw now that his business had not advanced, and was very ill pleased; and Fin was outrageously angry.They said the king had broken his word; and thus they all separated.
Hakon then went out of the country with a well-manned ship.When he came to Denmark he went immediately to his relative, King Svein, who received him honourably and gave him great fiefs.
Hakon became King Svein's commander of the coast defence against the vikings, -- the Vindland people, Kurland people, and others from the East countries, -- who infested the Danish dominions;and he lay out with his ships of war both winter and summer.