With retrospective thinking and grand narrative we find that Marx had completed an overall critique of scholasticism, speculative philosophy and empiricism. Logically, Marx had accomplished religion critique, political critique, philosophy critique, economics critique and anthropology critique. The main parts of this book include eight chapters. The first chapter is Young Marx's philosophical position. Marx was able to skillfully use dialectics. Influenced by the young Hegelian school, Marx was a speculative idealist during his years at the Berlin University. But by the skillful use of Hegel's dialectics and emphasizing active principle of self-consciousness Marx pointed out that philosophy should actively intervene in life. Chapter II is Marx's religion critique. He freed humans from God's bondage. Marx criticized Hegel according to Feuerbach's religious thought, at the same time he pointed out the fatal defect of Feuerbach's religion critique. In Marx's opinion, Feuerbach was also wrong because he escaped from the reality and ignored the politics. Chapter III is Marx's political critique. He revealed that the state and law had been become the tools of private interests. Young Marx criticized Hegel's state view, and then according to German reality he analyzed the relationship between religious liberation and political liberation, and criticized the limitation of political liberation, and believed human liberation means the complete liberation of people. Chapter IV is Marx's philosophy critique. Marx based on the practice and founded his historical materialism. Through the liquidation of the previous philosophical belief, Marx founded his dialectical materialism and historical materialism which ful filled the revolutionary transformation in the history of philosophy. Chapter V is Marx's economics critique. He experienced the origin, development, and demise of capitalism. Marx elaborated the labor, goods, capital and time by using the general principles and scientific methods of historical materialism. As a result, he predicted that capitalism was bound to perish. Chapter VI is Marx's anthropology critique. He emphasized people's free and all-round development in the future society. According to new experiences and materials, in his later years Marx analyzed the original social form, put forward the theory of social great-leap-forward development and described the basic characteristics of the future society. ChapterVII is the revolutionary changes of Marx's critical theory in thinking paradigm. He established the thinking of relationship, harmony, becoming. Through the revolutionary transformation of thinking paradigm Marx completed the traditional philosophy critique. The revolution of thinking paradigm mainly included three aspects:from entity thinking to relationship thinking, from traditional thinking to integration thinking, from preformed thinking to becoming thinking. Chapter VIII is ultimate concern of Marx's critical theory. Marx did not dispel“metaphysics”. His critical theory doesn't mean the end of the history of metaphysics. On the contrary, Marx promoted metaphysics because he was concerned with real individual, was interested in our living environment and properly understood human's survival nature. As a result, Marxian philosophy still has important value in the process of modernization.
Key Words: Marx, Critical Theory, Logical Process