The Master said, "In serving his parents, a son may remonstrate with them, but gently; when he sees that they do not incline to follow his advice, he shows an increased degree of reverence, but does not abandon his purpose; and should they punish him, he does not allow himself to murmur."
16. HOW RIGHTEOUSNESS AND SELFISHNESS DISTINGUISH THE SUPERIOR MAN AND THE SMALL MAN. 喻=晓, 'to understand'. 于is here to be dwelt on and may be compared with the Hebrew eth.
17. THE LESSONS TO BE LEARNED FROM OBSERVING MEN OF DIFFERENT CHARACTERS. Of the final particles 焉 and 也, it is said, 二字颇有抑扬警醒意, 'they have something of a repressive, expansive, warning force'.
18. HOW A SON MAY REMONSTRATE WITH HIS PARENTS ON THEIR FAULTS. See 礼记, XII.i.15. 几, up.1st tone, 'mildly',=the 下气, 怡色, 柔声 of the 内则. 志 is the will of the parents. 又敬=更加孝敬, 'again increasing his filial reverence', the起敬起孝 of the 内则. 不违 is not abandoning his purpose of remonstrance, and not as 包咸 says in the comment given by Ho An, 不敢违父母意, 'not daring to go against the mind of his parents'. 劳= 'toiled and pained', what the 内则 says, 挞之流血, 'should they beat him till the blood flows'.