第二节 主诉
主诉(chief complaints)就是患者就诊最主要的原因,包括症状、体征及持续时间。主诉多于一项则按发生的先后次序列出,并记录每个症状的持续时间。主诉要简明精炼,一般在1~2句,20字左右,要尽量使用患者所讲的话,而非艰涩的医学名词。在一些特殊情况下,疾病已明确诊断,住院目的是为进行某项特殊治疗(手术,化疗)者可用病名,如白血病入院定期化疗。一些无症状(体征)的实验室检查异常也可直接描述,如发现血糖升高1个月。
如:胸痛2小时 [chest pain for 2 hours]
如:恶心呕吐3天 [nausea and vomiting of three days duration]
3.症状+时间+in duration
如:头痛1个月 [headache 1 month in duration]
如:发热2天 [two-day history of fever]
发热 [fever]
疼痛 [pain]
水肿 [edema]
皮肤黏膜出血 [mucocutaneous hemorrhage(bleeding)]
呼吸困难 [dyspnea(difficulty in breathing; respiratory difficulty; short of breath)]
咳嗽和咯痰 [cough and expectoration(sputum; phlegm)]
咯血 [hemoptysis]
紫绀 [cyanosis]
心悸 [palpitation]
胸闷 [chest discomfort]
恶心和呕吐 [nausea(retch; dry vomiting)and vomiting]
呕血 [hematemesis(vomiting of blood)]
便血 [hematochezia(hemafecia)]
腹泻 [diarrhea]
便秘 [constipation(obstipation)]
眩晕 [vertigo(giddiness; dizziness)]
黄疸 [jaundice(Icterus)]
惊厥 [convulsion]
意识障碍 [disturbance of consciousness]
血尿 [hematuria]
尿频,尿急和尿痛 [frequent micturition, urgent micturition and dysuria]
尿失禁 [incontinence of urine]
尿潴留 [retention of urine]
感染性发热 [infective(septic)fever]
非感染性发热 [non-infective(aseptic)fever]
脱水热 [dehydration(Inanition)fever]
药物热 [drug fever]
功能性低热 [functional hypothermia]
吸收热 [absorption fever]
中枢性发热 [central fever]
热型 [fever type]
稽留热 [continuous fever]
弛张热 [remittent fever]
间歇热 [intermittent fever]
波状热 [undulant fever]
回归热 [recurrent fever]
周期热 [periodic fever]
不规则热 [irregular fever]
短暂热 [ephemeral fever]
双峰热 [double peaked fever]
不明原因发热 [fever of undetermined(unknown)origin, FUO]
寒战 [rigor(shivering; chill; shaking chill; ague)]
畏寒 [chilly Sensation(fell chilly; cold fits; coldness)]
超高热 [ultra-hyperpyrexia]
高热 [hyperthermia(a high fever; hyperpyrexia; ardent fever)]
中度发热 [moderate fever]
低热 [hypothermia(low-grade fever; slight fever; subfebrile temperature)]
发热 [become feverish(Have a temperature)]
骤降 [crisis]
渐降 [lysis]
伤寒热 [typhoid fever]
风湿热 [rheumatic fever]
癌性发热 [cancerous fever]
升热期 [fervescence period]
退热期 [defervescence period]
持续发热期 [persistent febrile period]
背痛 [backache(back pain)]
腰痛 [lumbago]
头痛 [headache]
血管舒缩性头痛 [vasomotor headache]
创伤后头痛 [post-traumatic headache]
偏头痛 [migraine headache]
丛集性头痛 [cluster headache]
胸痛 [chest pain]
心前区痛 [precardial pain]
胸骨后痛 [retrosternal pain]
腹痛 [abdominal pain(stomachache)]
肢体痛 [acrodynia(pain in limbs)]
关节痛 [arthrodynia(Arthralgia)]
钝痛 [dull pain]
锐痛 [sharp pain]
刺痛 [twinge pain]
刀割(刺)样痛 [knife-like pain(piercing pain)]
酸痛 [aching pain]
烧灼痛 [burning pain]
绞痛 [colicky(griping; cramp)pain]
绞痛 [colic]
胀痛(撕裂痛)[bursting pain]
饥饿痛 [hunger pain]
抽搐痛 [tic pain]
坠痛 [bearing-down pain]
电击样痛 [shock-like pain]
反跳痛 [jumping pain]
触痛(压痛)[tenderness pain]
束带样痛 [girdle-like pain]
游走性痛 [wandering pain]
搏动性痛 [throbbing pain]
放射性痛 [radiating pain]
痉挛性痛 [cramping pain]
钻痛 [boring pain]
剧痛 [intense pain]
痛得打滚 [writhing pain]
牵引痛 [dragging pain]
阵痛 [labor pain]
癌性疼痛 [cancerous pain]
牵涉痛 [referred pain]
持续性痛 [persistent pain(unremitting pain)]
经常性痛 [constant pain]
间歇性痛 [intermittent pain]
黏液性水肿 [mucous edema(myxedema)]
心源性水肿 [cardiac(cardiogenic)edema]
肾源性水肿 [nephrotic(renal)edema]
肝源性水肿 [hepatic edema]
营养不良性水肿 [alimentary(nutritional)edema]
血管神经性水肿 [angioneurotic edema]
凹陷性 [pitting]
非凹陷性 [nonpitting]
局限性水肿 [localized(local)edema]
全身性水肿 [generalized edema(anasarca)]
积水 [hydrops]
象皮肿 [elephantiasic crus]
脑水肿 [cerebral(Brain)edema]
肺水肿 [pulmonary edema(hydropneumonial]
脑积水 [hydrocephalus]
内分泌病性水肿 [edema of endoscrinopathy]
隐性水肿 [invisible(recessive)edema]
显性水肿 [frank edema]
炎性水肿 [inflammatory edema]
特发性水肿 [idiopathic edema]
周期性水肿 [cyclical edema]
腹水 [ascites(abdominal effusion; hydroperiotoneum)]
胸水 [pleural effusion(hydrothorax)]
心包积液 [pericardial effusion(hydropericardium)]
支气管水肿 [bronchoedema]
轻度 [slight(Mild)]
中度 [moderate]
重度 [serious]
漏出液 [transudate]
渗出液 [exudate]
心原性呼吸困难 [cardiac dyspnea]
吸气性 [inspiratory]
呼气性 [expiratory]
混合性 [mixed]
梗阻性 [obstructive]
静息时呼吸困难 [dyspnea at rest]
活动时呼吸困难 [dyspnea on exertion]
躺下时呼吸困难 [dyspnea on lying down]
夜间阵发性呼吸困难 [paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea, PND]
端坐呼吸 [orthopnea]
哮喘 [asthma]
心源性哮喘 [cardiac asthma]
支气管性哮喘 [bronchial asthma]
呼吸深快 [hyperpnea]
周期性呼吸 [periodic breathing]
气促 [tachypnea(rapid or fast breathing; accelerated breathing; short of breath)]
呼吸缓慢 [bradypnea(slow breathing)]
不规则呼吸 [irregular breathing]
皮肤出血点 [bleeding spots in the skin]
淤点 [petechia]
淤斑 [eccymosis]
紫癜 [purpura]
片状出血 [splinter hemorrhage]
渗血 [oozing of the blood(errhysis)]
血疱 [blood blister(hemophysallis)]
鼻出血 [hemorrhinia(nasal bleeding)]
皮下血肿 [ecchymoma]
干咳 [dry cough(nonproductive cough; hacking cough)]
剧咳 [sharp cough]
湿咳 [wet cough(moist cough)]
排痰性咳 [productive cough(loose cough)]
慢性咳嗽 [chronic cough]
刺激性咳嗽 [irritable cough]
发作性(阵发性)咳嗽 [paroxysmal cough]
持续性咳嗽 [cough continually]
痉挛性咳嗽 [spasmodic cough]
百日咳 [whooping cough]
冬季咳 [winter cough]
喘咳 [wheezing cough]
短咳 [short cough]
难咳 [distressed cough]
浅咳 [shallow cough]
飞沫 [droplet]
泡沫样痰 [frothy sputum]
血痰 [bloody sputum]
黏液样痰 [mucous(Mucoid)sputum]
脓痰 [purulent sputum]
黏液脓性痰 [mucopurulent sputum]
白(黄,绿)痰 [white(yellow, green)sputum]
恶臭痰 [fetid(foul)sputum]
铁锈色痰 [iron-rust(rusty)sputum]
巧克力色痰 [chocolate coloured sputum]
浓痰 [thick sputum]
淡痰 [thin sputum]
黏痰 [viscous sputum]
透明痰 [transparent sputum]
大量痰 [much(Large amounts of)sputum]
中等量痰 [moderate amounts of sputum]
少量痰 [not much(Small amounts of)sputum]
戈耳斯坦氏咯血 [goldstein's hemoptysis]
大量呕血 [massive hematemesis]
鼻出血 [epistasis(nosebleed; nasal bleeding; hemorrhinia; rhinorrhagia)]
血尿 [hematuria]
初血尿 [initial hematuria]
特发性血尿 [idiopathic hematuria]
无痛性血尿 [painless hematuria]
终末性血尿 [terminal hematuria]
肉眼血尿 [gross(Macroscopic)hematuria]
镜下血尿 [microscopic hematuria]
全程血尿 [hematuria in the whole process of urination]
牙龈出血 [gingival bleeding(ulaemorrhagia; gum bleeding)]
便血 [hematochezia]
血便 [bloody stool]
黑便 [black stool(melena)]
柏油样便 [tarry stool]
外伤后出血 [bleeding following trauma]
自发性出血 [spontaneous bleeding]
持续出血 [bleeding continuously]
隐血 [occult blood, OB]
胆道出血 [hematobilia]
血胸 [hemathorax]
关节积血 [hemarthrosis]
腹腔积血 [hematocoelia]
血肿 [hematoma]
心包积血 [hemopericardium]
脑出血 [cerebral hemorrhage]
蛛网膜下腔出血 [subarachnoid hemorrhage(SAH)]
月经量多伴血块 [excessive(heavy)menstrual flow with passage of clots]
无痛性阴道出血 [painless Vaginal bleeding]
性交后出血 [postcoital bleeding]
搏动性出血 [pulsating bleeding]
术后伤口出血 [post-operation wound hemorrhage]
拔牙后出血过多 [excessive bleeding after dental extraction]
先天性紫绀 [congenital cyanosis]
肠源性 [enterogenous]
中枢性 [central]
周围性 [peripheral]
混合性 [mixed]
指端紫绀 [acrocyanosis]
干呕 [vomiturition(retching)]
恶心感 [feel nauseated]
饭后恶心 [postprandial nausea]
呃逆 [hiccup]
返酸 [sour regurgitation]
吐粪 [fecal(stercoraceous)vomiting]
吐不消化食物 [undigested food Vomiting]
吐胆汁 [bilious vomiting]
晨泻 [morning diarrhea]
水泻 [watery(Liquid)diarrhea]
黏液泻 [mucous diarrhea]
脂肪泻 [fatty diarrhea]
轻度腹泻 [mild diarrhea]
难治性腹泻 [intractable(uncontrolled)diarrhea]
迁延性腹泻 [protracted diarrhea]
血便 [bloody stool]
泡沫样便 [frothy stool]
不成形(成形)便 [formless(formed)stool]
稀(硬)便 [loose(hard)stool]
米泔样便 [rice-water stool]
不消化便 [undigested stool]
痢疾样腹泻 [dysenteric diarrhea]
炎症性腹泻 [inflammatory diarrhea]
渗透性 [osmotic]
分泌性 [secretory]
吸收不良性 [malabsorption]
消化不良性 [lienteric]
胰性腹泻 [pancreatic diarrhea]
里急后重 [tenesmus]
解大便 [pass a stool(have a passage; open or relax the bowel)]
便意 [have a call of nature]
大便失禁 [fecal incontinence(copracrasia)]
功能性便秘 [functional constipation]
器质性便秘 [organic constipation]
习惯性便秘 [habitual constipation]
便秘倾向 [have a tendency to be constipated]
隐性黄疸 [latent(occult)jaundice]
显性黄疸 [clinical jaundice]
核黄疸 [nuclear icterus]
生理性黄疸 [physiologic icterus]
传染性黄疸 [icterus simplex]
中毒性黄疸 [toxemic icterus]
溶血性 [hemolytic]
肝细胞性 [hepatocellular]
阻塞性 [obstructive]
先天性 [congenital]
家族性 [familial]
胆汁淤积性 [cholestatic]
血源性 [hematogenous]
恶性 [malignant]
无痛性 [painless]
嗜睡 [somnolence]
意识模糊 [confusion]
昏睡 [stupor]
昏迷 [coma]
谵妄 [delirium]
晕厥 [syncope(swoon; faint)]
倦睡 [drowsiness]
遗尿 [enuresis(bed-wetting)]
无尿 [anuria]
排尿中断 [emiction interruption]
尿线中断 [interruption of urinary stream]
夜尿 [nocturia]
少尿 [oliguria]
多尿 [polyuria]
排尿 [pass water(make water; urinate; micturition)]
尿频 [frequent micturition(frequency of micturition; frequent urination; pollakiuria)]
尿急 [urgent micturition(urgency of urination or micturition)]
尿痛 [urodynia(pain on micturition; painful micturition; alginuresis; micturition pain)]
排尿困难 [dysuria(difficulty in micturition; disturbance of micturition)]
尿线细小 [small urinary stream]
排尿通畅 [void with a good stream]
滴尿 [guttate emiction(dribbling following urination; terminal dribbling)]
尿流分叉 [bifurcation of urination]
残余尿 [residual urine]
尿外渗 [extravasation of urine]
压力性尿失禁 [stress incontinence]
溢出性尿失禁 [overflow incontinence]
反常性尿失禁 [paradoxical in continence]
虚弱(无力)[weekness(debility; asthenia; debilitating)]
疲乏 [fatigue(tire; lassitude)]
不适 [discomfort(indisposition; malaise)]
消瘦 [wasting(thin; underweight; emaciation; lean)]
盗汗 [night sweating]
出汗 [sweat(perspiration)]
冷汗 [cold sweat]
瘙痒 [pruritus(iching)]
气喘 [asthma]
胸部紧缩(压榨)感 [squeezing(tightness; choking; pressing)sensation of the chest]
间歇性跛行 [intermittent claudication]
吞咽困难 [eifficulty in swallowing(dysphagia; difficult swallowing; acataposis)]
上腹部不适 [epigastric(upper abdominal)discomfort]
厌食 [anorexia(sitophobia)]
纳差 [poor appetite(loss of appetite)]
胃灼热 [heart-burn(pyrosis)]
胃部痛 [stomachache(pain in stomach)]
脐周痛 [periumbilial pain]
嗳气 [belching(Eructation)]
返酸 [sour regurgitation]
腹胀 [abdominal distention(bloating)]
肛门排气 [pass gas(break wink)]
排虫 [expel(pass)worms]
肝区痛 [pain over the liver]
腰痛 [lumbago]
异食癖 [pica(parorexia; allotriophagy)]
痛经 [dysmenorrhea]
月经不调 [menoxenia(Irregular menstruation)]
月经过频 [polymenorrhea(epimenorrhea)]
月经过少 [oligomenorrhea]
经量过多 [excessive menstruation(menorrhagia; menometrorrhagia; hypermenorrhea)]
经量过少 [hypomenorrhea(scanty menstruation)]
绝经 [menopause(menostasia; menostasis)]
闭经 [amenorrhea(menoschesis)]
白带过多 [leukorrhagia]
无性欲 [asexuality(lack of libido)]
性欲低下 [hyposexuality]
性欲亢进 [hypersexuality]
早泄 [prospermia(ejaculatio praecox)]
阳痿 [impotency(impotence)]
遗精 [nocturnal emission(spermatorrhea)]
无性交能力 [lack of potency]
脱发 [hair loss]
关节痛 [joint pain(arthralgia; arthrodynia)]
多饮(烦渴)[polydipsia(excessive thirst)]
多食 [polyphagia(excessive appetite; hyperorexia; bulimia)]
身材矮小(高大)[dwarfism(excessive height)]
多汗 [excessive sweating]
手抖 [hands tremble]
肥胖 [obesity(fatty)]
焦虑(忧虑)[agitation(anxiety; nervous irritability)]
躁狂 [mania]
幻觉 [hallucination]
失语 [aphasia(logopathy)]
记忆力下降 [amnesia(poor memorization; memory deterioration)]
偏身麻木 [hemianesthesia]
蚁走感 [formication]
麻刺感 [tingling]
痛觉过敏 [hyperpathia]
痛觉减退 [hypalgesia]
错觉 [illusion]
半身不遂 [hemiplegia]
失眠 [insomnia(poor sleep; sleeplessness)]
多梦 [nightmare]
麻木 [numbness]
肢体痛 [pain in limbs(acrodynia)]
活动受限 [limitation of motion]
手足抽搐 [tetany]
流脓 [discharge of pus]
视物模糊 [blurred vision(hazy vision; blurring of vision; dimness of vision)]
烧灼(干燥)感 [burning(dry)sensation]
流泪 [tearing(dacryorrhea; lacrimation)]
复视 [double vision(diplopia)]
斜视 [strabismus]
偏盲 [hemianopia]
眼疲劳 [tired eyes(eyestrain)]
异物感 [foreign body sensation]
失明 [lose the sight(lose of vision)]
视力减退 [diminution of vision]
眨眼 [nictition]
眼痛 [ophthalmodynia(eye-ache; ocular pain)]
畏光 [photophobia]
眼前黑点 [spots before the eyes]
耳聋 [deafness(anacusia)]
听力减退 [auditory dysesthesia]
耳痛 [otalgia(otodynia; pain in the ear; ear-ache)]
耳闭气 [stuffy feeling in the ear]
耳鸣 [tinnitus]
自声过强 [outophony]
鼻塞 [nasal obstruction(blockage)]
鼻干燥 [dryness of the nose]
流鼻涕 [rhinorrhea(snivel; Nasal discharge)]
打喷嚏 [sneezing]
打鼾 [snoring]
嗅觉减退 [hyposmia(reduction of the sense of smell)]
嗅觉丧失 [anosmia(complete loss of sense of smell)]
发音困难 [dysphonia]
声嘶 [hoarseness]
吞咽痛 [pain on swallowing]
流涎 [saliva dribbling from the mouth]
声音沙哑 [troaty voice]
喘鸣 [stridor]
红肿 [red and swollen]
头皮屑 [scurf]
见红 [show]
破水 [amniotic fluid escaped]
宫缩 [uterine contraction]
计算不能 [acalculia]
情感淡漠 [apathy]
妄想 [delusion]
一月 [January, Jan.]
二月 [February, Feb.]
三月 [March, Mar.]
四月 [April, Apr.]
五月 [May]
六月 [June, Jun.]
七月 [July, Jul.]
八月 [August, Aug.]
九月 [September, Sept.]
十月 [October, Oct.]
十一月 [November, Nov.]
十二月 [December, Dec.]
星期一 [Monday]
星期二 [Tuesday]
星期三 [Wednesday]
星期四 [Thursday]
星期五 [Friday]
星期六 [Saturday]
星期日 [Sunday]
(3)年(Year)和日 [Day]
第1年 [1 st(first)year]
第2年 [2nd(second)year]
第3年 [3rd(third)year]
第4年 [4th(forth)year]
1年(天)[one year(day)]
2年(天)[two years(days)]
整年 [whole year]
1日 [1 st(first)]
2日 [2rd(second)]
3日 [3rd(third)]
5日 [5th(fifth)]
今天 [today]
明天 [tomorrow]
昨天 [yesterday]
前天 [the day before yesterday
后天 [the day after tomorrow]
大前天 [3 days ago]
大后天 [3 days hence]
今晚 [tonight]
昨晚 [last night]
明晚 [next night]
通宵 [all night]
整天 [all day(the whole day)]
(4)季节 [season]和时节 [solar terms]
春季 [spring]
夏季 [summer]
秋季 [autumn]
冬季 [winter]
立春(夏、秋、冬)[the beginning of spiring(summer; autumn; winter)]
小暑(雪、寒)[slight heat(snow; cold)]
大暑(雪、寒)[great Heat(snow; cold)]
雨水 [rain water]
惊蛰 [the waking of Insects]
春(秋)分 [the spring(autumnal)equinox]
清明 [pure brightness]
谷雨 [grain rain]
小满 [grain full]
芒种 [grain in ear]
夏(冬至)[the summer(winter)solstice]
处暑 [the limit of heat]
白(寒)露 [white(cold)dew]
霜降 [frost's descent]
在2003年 [in 2003]
在3月 [in March(Mar.)]
在去年10月 [in last Oct.]
在早晨 [in the morning]
在上午 [in the forenoon]
在下午 [in the afternoon]
在晚上 [in the evening]
在近5天 [in the past 5 days]
在10分钟后 [in 10 minutes]
在秋季 [in autumn]
在这2~3天内 [in a couple of days]
在……中 [within ]
在近8个月中 [within the last 8 months]
在过去的2年中 [within the preceding 2 years]
在……时候 [on]
在2002的9月18日 [on the 18th of september,2002(英国)or on sept.18th,2002(美国)
在星期三 [on Wednesday]
在本月7日 [on 7th instant]
在……时 [at]
在中午 [at noon]
在晚上 [at night]
在昨晚 [at last(preceding; previous)night]
在半夜 [at midnight]
在上午10点钟 [at 10AM]
在5岁时 [at the age of five]
在2000年底(中、初)[at the end(middle; beginning)of 2000]
计……时间 [for]
1周 [for one week]
近2个月来 [for the past 2 months]
几乎(整整)一年 [for nearly a month(a full month)]
3个月左右 [for 3 months or so]
至少3个月 [for at least 3 months]
3个月以上 [for more than 3 months]
3个月或以上 [for 3months or more]
时间不详 [for an unknown(indefinite)period(time)]
在……时期 [of]
10年内 [of 10 years'duration]
期间 [length of time]
6月6日 [the 6th of June]
在……期间 [during]
在2000—2005年的几年中 [during the years form 2000 to 2005]
在这4年中 [during four years]
在过去的几周中 [during the past(last)couple of weeks]
在夜间 [during the night]
整天 [during the entire day]
约 [about]
约1个半小时 [about one and half an hour]
大约半年 [about half a year]
至;在……之前 [to]
从今下午点至明上午8点 [form 6 pm today to 8 AM tomorrow]
6点45分 [at fifteen to seven]
从……起 [from]
从14岁至52岁 [from 14 to 52 year-old]
从上午7点30分开始 [form 7:30AM]
从周一至周五 [from Monday through Friday]
过去;超过 [past]
在过去的3周中 [in the past 3 weeks]
8点10分 [ten minutes past eight]
在……整个期间 [through or throughout]
通宵值班 [be on duty through the night]
从一月到六月 [from January through June]
熬过明晚 [through the next night]
整天(晚)[throughout the day(night)]
在……期间 [over]
在过去的2个月内 [over the past two months]
一夜间 [overnight]
每月(年、日)一次 [monthly(yearly; daily)]
整整一年 [yearlong(year-round)]
满周岁 [yearling]
工作日 [weekday]
周末 [weekend]
每周末 [weekends]
8小时工作日 [an eight-hour day]
整天 [daylong]
白天 [daytime]
昼夜 [nighttime]
日常的 [day-to-day]
夏令时间 [daylight saving time]
每晚 [nightly]
黄昏 [nightfall]
过期的 [overdue]
在……之后 [after]
婚后 [after one's marriage]
7点10分 [ten after(past)seven]
住(出)院后 [after admission(discharge)]
起病后2天 [2 days after the onset(attack)of symptoms]
在……之前 [before]
7点50分之前 [before seven fifty]
医生到达前 [before the doctor come]
以前未有种症状 [have had not the same symptom before]
以前 [ago]
5年前 [5 years ago]
直到1个月前 [up to one month ago]
大前天 [three days ago]
在……之前 [prior to]
入(出)院前 [prior to admission(discharge)]
前天之前 [prior to the day before yesterday]
直到 [up to]
直到3周前 [up to 3 weeks ago]
直到现在(出院)[ip to now(discharge)]
直到 [until or till]
直到80岁 [until 80 years old]
直到今晨8点 [until 8 o'clock this morning]
直到医生查完房 [until the doctor have finished the ward round]
直到3年以前 [until 3 years ago]
直到出院前1天 [until 1 day prior to discharge]
在……之前 [by]
下午点钟前 [by 5 p.m.]
下个月之前 [by next month]
从……开始 [since]
自从去年术后 [since operation was performed last year]
前天起 [since the day before yesterday]
从2002年6月起 [since June 2002]
上午8点 [8:00a.m.]
下午2点30分 [2:30p.m.]
7点50分 [seven fifty(ten to eight)]
9点20分 [nine twenty(twenty past or after nine)]
术前 [pre-operation]
术后 [post-operation]