[1] U.S. Office of Travel and Tourism Industries,“Forecast of International Travelers to the United States by Top Origin Countries.” China National Tourism Administration,“2012 Foreign Entries” (2012年1~12月入境旅游外国人人数)。
[2] U.S. Department of Commerce,“Trade in Goods with China.”
[3] U.S. Department of Commerce,“U.S. Direct Investment Abroad,Country Detail.”
[4] China National Bureau of Statistics,“6th National Census Results,2010;Hong Kong,Macau,and Foreign Population,” (2010年第六次全国人口普查接受普查登记的中国港澳台地区居民和外籍人员主要数据),April 29,2011。
[5] Thilo Hanemann,“Chinese FDI in the United States,Q2 2013 Update,” Rhodium Group,July 19,2013.
[6] For example,U.K. investment in the U.S. manufacturing sector was $140 billion in 2011. James K. Jackson,“Foreign Direct Investment in the United States:An Economic Analysis,” Washington,DC:Congressional Research Service,October 26,2012:3. U.S. Department of the Treasury,“Major Foreign Holders of Treasury Securities (as of May 2013).”
[7] Institute of International Education,“Open Doors Fact Sheet:China.”
[8] U.S. Department of State.“100,000 Strong Initiative.”
[9] Pew Research Center,“America’s Global Image Remains More Positive than China’s,” July 18,2013,p. 76.
[10] BBC World Service,“Views of China and India Slide While UK’s Ratings Climb:Global Poll,” May 22,2013,p. 3.
[11] Pew,“America’s Global Image.”
[12] Gallup Organization,“In U.S.,More See China as Friend Than Foe,” June 6,2013.
[13] Hu Qingyun,“Poll shows majority see US as friendly after summit,” Global Times,June 13,2013.
[14] Jeffrey M. Jones,“In U.S.,Majority Still Names China as Top Economic Power,” Gallup Organization,February 26,2013.
[15] Pew,“America’s Global Image.”
[16] Pew,“America’s Global Image.”
[17] Committee of 100,“US-China Public Perceptions,” April 2012,p. 37.
[18] Cynthia English,“Americans See the Benefit of Close U.S.-China Relations,” April 17,2012.
[19] Pew,“U.S. Public,Experts Differ on China Policies,” September 18,2012.
[20] Committee of 100,“US-China Public Perceptions,” April 2012,p. 31.
[21] German Marshall Fund of the United States,“Transatlantic Trends:Key Findings 2011,” “Transatlantic Trends:Key Findings 2012,” and “Topline Report 2012.”
[22] USC U.S.-China Institute,“Talking Points November December,2012.”
[23] Chicago Council on Global Affairs,“Global Views 2012,U.S. Public Topline Report.” July 27,2012,p. 69.
[24] Committee of 100,“US-China Public Perceptions,” April 2012,p. 48.
[25] See,for example,Chinese state media coverage of the June 2013 meeting between Xi Jinping and Barack Obama. E.g.,“The get-together,unparalleled in China-U.S. interaction,has produced a rich harvest of fruits,with the most striking one being the joint commitment to building the bilateral relationship into a new type of great power relations based on mutual respect and win-win cooperation.” Xinhua News Agency commentary published in People’s Daily and elsewhere,“Commentary:Xi-Obama summit opens new chapter in China-U.S. relations,” June 10,2013.
[26] Committee of 100,“US-China Public Perceptions,” April 2012,p. 48.
[27] Committee of 100,“US-China Public Perceptions,April 2012,p. 42.
[28] Committee of 100,“US-China Public Perceptions,” April 2012,pp. 102-105.
[29] Pew,“Public Priorities:Deficit Rising,Terrorism Slipping,” January 23,2012,p. 1;Pew,“Growing Concerns in China about Income Inequality,Corruption,” October 16,2012,p. 1.
[30] See Yunxiang Yan,“Food Safety and Social Risk in Contemporary China,” Journal of Asian Studies 71.3 (2012),pp. 705-729.
[31] For example,in 2012 81% of Americans told Gallup that “having a close relationship with China is a good thing.” Cynthia English,“Americans See Benefits of Close U.S.-China Relations,” Gallup Organization,April 17,2012.
[32] German Marshall Fund,“Transatlantic Trends:Key Findings 2011,” September 2011,p. 15.
[33] Frank Newport and Igor Himelfarb,“Egypt’s Favorable Rating in U.S. Slips to Two-Decade Low,” Gallup Organization,March 15,2013. Jeffrey M. Jones,In U.S.,More See China as Friend Than Foe,” Gallup Organization,June 6,2013.
[34] Pew,“America’s Global Image Remains More Positive than China’s,” July 18,2013,p. 11,29.
[35] Kenneth Lieberthal and Wang Jisi,“Accessing U.S.-China Strategic Distrust,” John L. Thornton China Center at the Brookings Institution,April 2012. Also available in Chinese as 《中美战略互疑:解析与应对》 from the Center for International and Strategic Studies at Peking University。
[36] Wang Jisi,“China’s Search for a Grand Strategy:A Rising Great Power Finds Its Way,” Foreign Affairs 90.2 (2011),pp. 68-79. The Obama Administration is developing a revised National Security Strategy. The U.S. National Intelligence Council also publishes its assessment of potential security issues in its Global Trends series. The most recent of these statements was published in December 2012.
[37] Maurice Greenberg,“Time for A China-U.S. Free Trade Agreement,” Wall Street Journal,January 9,2012.
[38] Wang Jisi,Qian Yingyi,Wang Min,Jia Qingguo,and Bai Chong’en. “In Search of New Thinking In China-U.S. Strategic Relations.” China Daily,February 6,2012.
[39] German Marshall Fund,“Topline Report 2012;” Chicago Council on Global Affairs,“Global Views 2012 Topline Report.”
[40] Aaron M. Hoffman,“A Conceptualization of Trust in International Relations.” European Journal of International Relations 8,no. 3 (2002):375-401.
[41] Hoffman,“A Conceptualization of Trust in International Relations.”
[42] Geoffrey Cowan and Amelia Arsenault,“Moving from Monologue to Dialogue to Collaboration:The Three Layers of Public Diplomacy,” The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science. March 2008. vol. 616,no. 1∶10-30.