【摘要】 本文考察了1978—2013年中国在人均卫生总费用、人均预期寿命、婴儿死亡率与五岁以下儿童死亡率方面是否追赶OECD国家。通过构建中国与OECD国家在以上指标的差距变量,运用第二代面板单位根和DF-GLS单位根检验方法,本文发现:中国与OECD国家在人均卫生总费用方面不存在追赶,但在健康产出方面明显缩小了差距,尤其体现在婴儿死亡率指标上。因此,综合考虑医疗卫生的投入和产出,中国医疗卫生体制改革所取得的成绩不容忽视。
【关键词】 卫生费用 健康产出 婴儿死亡率 追赶
Abstract This paper examines whether China is catching up with the OECD countries in terms of four indicators such as per capita health expenditure, life expectancy, infant mortality and under-5 mortality rate over the period of 1978—2013. By constructing variables which measure the distances between China and the OECD countries in the above four indicators, and using the second-generation panel unit root testing and the DF-GLS unit root testing, this article finds that China failed to catch up with the OECD countries in terms of per capita health expenditure, but narrowed the gaps in terms of health outcome, and especially infant mortality. Taking into consideration of both China's health input and health outcome, it is safe to argue that China's health care reform has made great achievements.
Key words Health Expenditure, Health Outcome, Infant Mortality, Catch Up