each [i:tʃ]
Ⅰ adj. (used of countable nouns)
every one considered individually 各个的,各自的:
Each car has a steering wheel.
My uncle gave a present to each one of us.
Ⅱ pron.
Each of the students brought a dictionary.
They each have different opinions about it.
Ⅲ adv.
for or to every one 各个地,各自地,每一人:
My aunt gave us five dollars each.
These bags cost 1,500 dollars each.
【辨】each, all, every, whole:
①each“每一,每个”,强调个人或各个,可作代词:Each student has an English dictionary. 每个学生都有一本英语词典。
②all“所有的”,着重整体:We all study English hard. 我们都努力学习英语。
③every“每一,每个”,强调全部或全体,不能作代词:Every one of them has an English dictionary. 他们所有的人都有英语词典。
④whole“全体的,整个的”,指一个完整的整体:I have forgotten the whole thing. 我把整个事情都忘了。
▲each other 互相:
We helped each other in the job.
They respect each other.
She and I looked at each other.
eager* [‘i:ɡə] adj.
having or showing keen interest or intense desire or impatient expectancy 渴望的,殷切期盼的:
He was eager for success.
Tom was eager for you to come to the party.
The president is eager that the project should be started early.
【同】anxious, keen
【派】eagerly adv.热切地;eagerness n.
eagle** [‘i:ɡl] n.
a very large strong meat-eating bird 鹰:
The eagle expanded its wings.
ear [iə] n. [c]
1. either of the two organs by which people or animals hear, on each side of the head 耳朵:
He listened, putting his hand behind his ear.
She covered her ears with her hands.
2. keen recognition of sounds, especially in music or languages 听力,听觉:
Dogs have keen ears.
Her voice is pleasant to the ear.
He has a good ear for music.
early [‘ə:li]
Ⅰ adv.
before the usual, arranged or expected time 早,在初期:
My mother always gets up early in the morning.
This winter snow came earlier than usual.
They invented printing as early as the 15th century.
【同】ancient, beginning, first, forward
Ⅱ adj.
near to the beginning of a day, year, someone’s life etc.早的,早期的,及早的:
I hope for an early answer to my question.
The flower comes out in early spring.
earn* [ə:n] vt. & vi.
to get money by working 挣钱,赚钱,赢得,博得:
He earns his living by teaching at a language school.
He earned confidence by fair dealing.
Rescuing a drowning man earned him the respect of all.
【同】acquire, receive
【辨】earn, get, acquire, attain, obtain, secure,gain, win:
①earn“赚得”,如赚得工资、生计、升迁、荣誉、赞赏等,不劳而获的“获”不能用 earn: I hope you will earn your living. 我希望你能自己谋生。
②get“得”,普通用语,表示“收到”“获得”等意义:He has got what he wanted. 他已经得到了他想要的东西。
③acquire“获得”“取得”,特指依靠自己的努力而“得到”,指用不断的努力慢慢地并逐渐地获得智力、才能等,一经获得,即变成永久的所有物:It is not an easy thing to acquire a knowledge of painting. 获得绘画知识并不是一件容易的事。
④attain“得到”,指达到一定的点,目的或结果,常含有努力的意味:The average speed they attained was about ten miles an hour. 他们所达到的平均速度是每小时十英里。
⑤obtain“获得”,指凭着努力、要求或恳请而得到所需要的东西,不含有难以达到之意:Dyes were obtained from the bark of various trees and from lichen. 染料是从各种各样的树皮和苔藓中提取的。
⑥secure“取得”,特指所渴望的具有竞争性质的东西,如取得座位、他人的注意、地位等:We have secured seats for the concert. 我们已经得到了音乐会的座位票。
⑦gain“获得、赢得”,和 win 相同,含有优势或成就等的意味,指凭借相当的努力而获得,如获得财富、赏赐、报酬、生计、研究的时间、食量、胜利、领土、知识、权力、地位等:Tom has gained a reputation as an expert poker player. 汤姆作为扑克牌专家赢得了声誉。
⑧win“赢得”,指在竞争中获胜,也指获得他人的爱、尊敬、好感等:He had a strange gift of attracting friends and of winning the love of women. 他有一种奇特的天赋,能吸引朋友,赢得女人的爱。
earth [ə:θ] n. [U]
1. the world that we live in, especially considered as a PLaNET 地球:
The earth is one of the eight planets moving around the sun.
2. the hard surface of the world 大地,陆地,地面:
The rocket lost altitude and fell to the earth.
My feet are on the solid earth now.
3. the substance that plants, trees etc. grow in; dirt 土,土壤:
Fill the plant pot with earth.
▲on earth 究竟,到底:
What on earth is the problem?
earthquake [‘ə:θkweik] n.[c]
a sudden shaking of the earth’s surface that often causes a lot of damage 地震:
This morning we had a slight earthquake.
a big earthquake rocked the island.
ease** [i:z] [U]
Ⅰ n.
1. the state of being comfortable and without worries or problems 安逸,轻松,舒适:
lead a life of ease in the country 在乡间悠闲度日
2. the ability to do sth. without difficulty 容易,轻易,不费力:
He answered the questions with great ease.
Ⅱ v.
1. vt. & vi. to take away pain or worry or make more comfortable 减轻,缓和:
Her words eased my anxiety.
2. to make looser; be less tight 使安心,使舒适:
The news that her son passed the exam eased her mind.
【同】lighten, relax, relieve
easily [‘i:zili] adv.
1. without difficulty 容易地,轻易地:
Everybody can handle this machine easily.
2. without doubt; definitely 确切地,确实,大概:
She is easily the best singer in our class.
The bus may easily be late.
east [i:st]
Ⅰ n. [U]
the direction from which the sun rises 东,东部,东方:
The Sun sets in the west and rises in the east.
There is a beautiful park to the east of the station.
Ⅱ adj.
in, to, or facing the east 东的,东部的:
the east coast of the island 岛的东海岸
eastern [‘i:stən] adj.
in or from the east part of an area, country, state etc. 东方的,向东的:
The eastern part of the city was more severely hit by the typhoon.
【派】easterner n.东方人,居住在东方的人
easy [‘i:zi] adj.
Ⅰ adj.
1. not difficult to do, and not needing much effort 容易的:
The test was easy.
【反】difficult, hard
2. comfortable or relaxed, and without problems 轻松的,惬意的:
On the whole, Dad has had an easy life.
3. not feeling worried or anxious 无忧虑的,放松的:
We talk more openly when we feel easy and relaxed.
4. friendly and pleasant with other people 友好的,好相处的:
She is gentle and easy to be with.
Ⅱ adv.
without difficulty or effort 轻松地
▲take it easy 别紧张:
Take it easy. We can arrive in time.
eat [i:t] vt. & vi.
to put food in your mouth and swallow it 吃,喝(汤等),进餐:
What did you eat for breakfast?
We usually eat at six in the evening.
Eat to live, but do not live to eat.
★echo [‘ekəu]
Ⅰ n. [c]
1. a sound that you hear again because it was made near sth. such as a wall or a hill 回声,反响:
We shouted so loudly at the top of the mountain that the echoes of our voices came back to us.
2. 反应,共鸣:
His statement found an echo in many minds.
Ⅱ vt. & vi.
1. to sound again; repeat in sound 发回声,使……回响:
The shot echoed in the valley.
The cave echoed our voices.
2. to say or do always what another says or does 重复(他人话语等):
“Yes, of course.” She said, echoing his words.
ecology** [i:’kɔlədʒi] n. [U]
the study or the connection between living things and everything around them 生态学;(某地的)生态(环境):
the ecology of the wetlands 湿地的生态环境
economic** [9ikə’nɔmik] adj.
relating to business, industry, and managing money 经济的,经济上的,经济学的:
He left school for economic reasons.
the world’s economic situation 世界经济形势
edge** [edʒ]
Ⅰ n. [c]
1. the part of sth. that is farthest from the center 边缘,端,棱:
We stood at the water’s edge and looked at the beautiful lake.
The factory stands at the edge of the town.
2. the thin sharp part of a tool used for cutting(刀器的)刃:
The sword has a very sharp edge.
He tested the edge of the knife with onefinger.
Ⅱ vt. & vi.
1. to put sth. on the edge or border of sth. else 给……镶边:
She edged the handkerchief with lace.
2. to develop or increase slowly and gradually, or to make sth. do this this 侧着移动,慢慢移动:
We edged through the crowd.
The climbers edged slowly down from the summit of the mountain.
★edit [‘edit] vt.
to prepare a book, movie, article etc. for people to read or see by arranging the parts, correcting mistakes and deciding which parts to keep 编辑,剪接,剪辑:
The author has edited out all references to his own family.
editor* [‘editə] n. [c]
the person who decides what should be included in a newspaper, magazine etc.编辑,编者:
the editor in chief of a newspaper 报纸的主编
★educate [‘edju:keit] vt.
to teach someone, especially in a school or college 教育,送……上学:
It’s a difficult task to educate children.
She was educated at beijing University.
【派】educated adj.受过教育的
education [9edju:’keiʃən] n. [c][U]
the process of learning in a school or other program of study 教育,培养,训练:
She has had a college education.
The country has a low standard of education.
【同】training, knowledge
educator** [‘edju:keitə] n. [c]
1. someone who educates people 教师;教育工作者
2. 教育家,教育学家
effect* [i’fekt]
Ⅰ n.
[c, U] the change that is caused by an event, action etc. 效应,影响,结果:
His new way of teaching produced a good effect.
Scolding sometimes brings about an adverse effect on a child.
I shouldn’t expect it to have any effect.
Ⅱ vt.
to make sth. happen 产生,招致:
He effected several important changes.
▲carry/bring into effect 使生效,使起作用:
He is not likely to carry his threat into effect.
▲put into effect 生效:
When the time is ripe, the scheme will be put into effect.
▲come/go into effect 生效,实施:
The new tax law will not take effect until January.
efficient** [i’fiʃənt] adj.
(ef-出+ fic 做+ -ient 形容词后缀)
achieving maximum productivity with minimum effort or expense有效的,效率高的:
The way you work is far from efficient.
She is an efficient typist.
effort* [‘efət] n. [c][U]
(ef-出+ fort 力量)
the physical or mental energy that you need to do sth.努力,尽力:
Getting a high grade in every subject requires great effort.
I made every effort to get it.
egg [eɡ] n. [c]
Will you have your egg boiled?
eight [eit] n. [c]
number 八
eighteen [ei’ti:n] n. [c]
number 十八
eighth [eitθ]
Ⅰ num.
ordinal number 八分之一;第八, 八号
Ⅱ adv.
Ⅲ n.
one part in eight equal parts; position eight in a countable series of things
八分之一;第八个;(每月的) 第八日
eighty [‘eiti] n. [c]
number 八十
either [‘aiðə]
Ⅰ adj.
each of two 任何一方的,无论哪一个的:
You can eat either half of the cake.
Ⅱ pron.
one or the other of two; it does not matter which (二者之中的)任何一方,各方,每
Either of you must go.
Ⅲ adv.
used after negative phrases to state that a feeling or situation is similar to one already mentioned(用于否定句)也……:
If you don’t go, I don’t go either.
▲either ... or ...:或……或;不是……就是……;不论……还是……:
You may stay either in a hotel or in a private house.
Either you or I am wrong.
elder [‘eldə]
Ⅰ adj.
of a greater age 年长的,资格老的:
Her elder daughter is married.
Ⅱ n. [c]
people of greater age, experience and authority 年长者,前辈,祖先:
You are my elder by three years.
You should respect your elders.
elderly** [‘eldəli]
Ⅰ adj.
used as a polite word for old 上了年纪的;过了中年的;较老的:
a well-dressed elderly woman 穿着考究的老妇人
Ⅱ n.
people who are old 老人
★elect [i’lekt] vt.
(e-出+ lect 选)
to choose sb. to do a particular job by voting for them 选举,推进,选出:
We’d like to elect a chairman now.
They elected me to the board of directors.
election** [i’lekʃn] n. [c]
a formal and organized choice by vote of a person for a political office position 选举,选举权
electricity* [9ilek’trisiti] n. [U]
1. 电,电流,电力:
This machine is driven by electricity.
2. electricity as a science 电学:
He is famous for his researches in electricity.
electronic [9ilek’trɔnik] adj.
having or using many small parts, such as microchips, that control and direct a small electric current; concerned with electronic equipment 电子的,电子操纵的:
Electronic music has come to stay.
elegant** [‘eliɡənt] adj.
(e-出+ leg 选+ -ant 形容词后缀:选出来的,众里挑一的)
1. (of people or their behaviour) attractive and showing a good sense of style; (of clothes, places and things ) attractive and designed well(人、动作、服装等)优雅的,优美的:
an elegant middle-aged gentleman 一位优雅的中年绅士
elegant words 优雅的言辞
She wore an elegant dress.
2. showing a good sense of taste(艺术、文学等)文雅的,高格调的,高雅的:
Flower arrangement is an elegant art.
【同】beautiful, fashionable, fine, graceful
【派】elegantly adv.
element* [‘elimənt] n. [c]
1. 元素:
the periodic table of elements 元素周期表
Gold, iron and tin are all elements.
2. a necessary or typical part of sth.要素,成分:
Honesty is one of the chief elements of success.
Red and white corpuscles are essential elements of blood.
elephant [‘elifənt] n. [c]
a very large animal with thick grey skin,large ears, two curved outer teeth called tusks and a long nose called a trunk 象:
an elephant has a long trunk and gives a shrill trumpet.
a bull elephant 公象
a cow elephant 母象
eleven [i’levən]
Ⅰ n.
the cardinal number that is the sum of ten and one 十一
Ⅱ adj.
being one more than ten 十一的
else [els] adv.
in addition; besides 此外,其他:
Do you want anything else?
We will have to take this step if all else fails.
You must have left your glasses somewhere else.
▲or else 否则,要不然:
Go quick, or else you’ll miss the train.
Get up or else you’ll be late.
elsewhere** [els’hwɛə] adv.
in, at or to another place 在别处,向别处:
The store doesn’t carry the dictionary we want. Let’s look elsewhere.
They went elsewhere for help.
e-mail (email) [‘i:meil]
Ⅰ n. [c]
electronic mail 电子邮件系统:
We communicate via e-mail (email).
Ⅱ vt.
to send a message to sb. by email 给(某人)
You can e-mail (email) me the list.
embarrassed** [im‘bærəst] adj.
(of a person or their behaviour) shy, awkward or ashamed, especially in a social situation 尴尬的;为难的;窘迫的;局促不安的:
He looked a bit embarrassed.
emerge** [i’mə:dʒ] vi.
(e-出来+ merge 没入水中:露出水面)
1. to come out of a dark, confined or hidden place 显露,出现:
The whale emerged from the water.
2. to start to exist; to appear or become known (问题、事实)发生,显现出来:
after the long talks, possible solutions emerged.
It emerged that he had deserted his family.
【同】appear, arise
emergency** [i’mə:dʒənsi] n. [c][U]
a sudden serious and dangerous event or situation which needs immediate action to deal with 紧急情况,危急的情势,突然事件:
She has a lot of money saved for emergencies.
I keep a fire extinguisher in my car for use in all emergency.
emotion** [i’məuʃən] n.
(e-加强语气+ mot 动+ -ion 名词后缀:
1. [c] instinctive or intuitive feeling as distinguished from reasoning or knowledge 情绪,情感:
The program will stir the emotions of the viewers.
She tried to appeal to our emotions rather than to our reason.
【同】affection, feeling
2. [U] a strong feeling deriving from one’s circumstances, mood or relationships with others 感情,激动,兴奋:
I was overcome by emotion.
【派】emotionless adj.
emperor** [‘empərə] n. [c]
(emper 命令+ -or 名词后缀:命令,统治)
the ruler of an empire 皇帝
emphasis** [‘emfəsis] n. [c][U]
(em-使……+ phasis 显示出来:使显示出来,使与众不同)
special importance that is given to sth.强调,重点,重视:
a special emphasis was placed on cutting costs.
【派】emphasize v.
▲put/lay/place emphasis on sth. 强调某事
employ** [im’plɔi]
Ⅰ vt.
1. to give sb. a job to do for payment 聘请,雇用,使用:
The firm employs two interpreters.
He employed the girl as a typist.
【辨】employ, hire:
①employ 强调职业,时间较长:He was employed in diplomatic services.
②hire是普通用语,多指录用领取工资的人,比较短期:He hired a workman to repair the fence. 他雇了一个工人修理他家的篱笆。
2. to use sth. such as a skill, method, etc. for a particular purpose 使用,用:
You should employ your funds more wisely.
employ English as a common language 把英语当作共同语言使用
3. spend 花费(时间、精力于……),占(时间等):
She employs most of her time in knitting.
His hobby employs his entire weekends.
Ⅱ n. [U]
the state of being employed or having a job 雇佣,使用:
be in the employ of a person 受雇于人
The agent was in the employ of a foreign country.
【派】employee n. [c]从业员工,雇员,雇工;employer n. [c]雇主,雇佣者;employment
n. 1. [U]雇佣 2. [U]使用,运用 3. [U] [c]职业,工作
empty [‘empti]
Ⅰ adj.
1. with no people or things inside 空着的,空的:
I looked into the classroom but I found it empty.
drink on an empty stomach 空腹饮酒
an empty bus 无乘客的公共汽车
【派】emptily adv.
2. having no meaning, value or purpose 空洞的,无意义的:
an empty promise 空洞的承诺
empty talk 空话
He thoroughly detested the habit of empty talk.
Ⅱ vt.
to remove everything that is in a container, etc.倒空,把……掏空:
He emptied the bottle.
enable* [i’neibl] vt.
(en-使+ able 能够)
1. to make it possible for sb. to do sth.使能够,赋予……能力(资格):
The new contract enables us to demand whatever we want.
The coffee enabled me to keep awake during the dull concert.
2. to make it possible for sth. to happen or exist by creating the necessary conditions 使成为可能,使容易:
enable the passage of a bill 使法案得以通过
encounter** [in’kauntə]
(en-使……+ counter 相反,相对:使相对,使面对)
Ⅰ vt.
1. to meet sb., or discover or experience sth.,especially sb. or sth. new, unusual or unexpected(偶然)遇见,邂逅:
I encountered an old friend in the theatre.
2. to experience sth., especially sth. unpleasant or difficult, while you are trying to do sth. else 遭遇:
We encountered a number of difficulties in the first week.
Ⅱ n.
a meeting, especially one that is sudden,unexpected or violent 相遇,遇见;冲突
encourage [in’kʌridʒ] vt.
(en- 使(有)+ cour 心,信心+ age 名词后缀)
1. to give sb. support, courage or hope 鼓励,激励:
The teacher encouraged me to study abroad.
all the family encouraged the boy in his efforts to become a doctor.
2. to make sth. more likely to happen or develop 助长,促进:
Good health encourages sound reasoning.
【派】encouragement n.鼓励物,赞助物,赞助,奖励
end [end]
Ⅰ n. [c]
1. the part of an object or a place that is the furthest away from its centre 端,终点,梢:
Go to the end of the road and turn left.
Their upper ends should be above the surface of the acid.
2. the final part of a period of time, an event, an activity or a story 结束,终了:
I missed the end of the TV program because he called me up.
Ⅱ vi. & vt.
to finish; to make sth. finish 完毕,结束,终止:
The story ended with the hero’s death.
I’ll end my speech by asking for your cooperation.
【派】ending n. [c]结尾,结局;endless adj.无限的
【辨】end, finish, accomplish, complete:
①end“结束、终止”,一般用语,指某些事物不再进展或延续下去:They ended the meeting at five. 他们五点钟结束了会议。
②finish“完成” “完结”的意思,常指用完,吃完等,有时含有消极的含义,后可接动名词,表示“结束”:I have finished the book. 我已读完这本书。
③accomplish“完成”,有时兼带“达成效果”之意,后面常用的名词是 task,aim, journey等:This task is accomplished with great effort. 这项工作是由于努力而成功的。
④complete“完成”,积极地完成,更多地指建筑、工程、书籍等的完成,后不能跟动名词:The new library will be completed by the end of this month. 新的图书馆将于月底建成。
▲in the end 最后,终于:
We talked and talked about where to go and stayed at home in the end.
enemy [‘enimi] n. [c]
(en-不+ emy 朋友)
a person who hates sb. or who acts or speaks against sb. or sth.; a country or the soldiers that you are fighting a war against;anything that harms sth. or prevents it from being successful 敌人,敌军:
a successful man often has many enemies.
Don’t make an enemy of him.
Laziness is his chief enemy.
energetic* [ˌenə’dʒetik] adj.
having or needing a lot of energy and enthusiasm 精力充沛的,精力旺盛的,有力的:
The more he worked, the more energetic he became.
He took energetic steps to fulfill his plan.
cool autumn days make us feel energetic.
【同】active, lively
energy* [‘enədʒi] n. [U]
(en-使+ ergy 工作:使人能工作的动力)
1. the ability to put effort and enthusiasm into an activity, work, etc.精力,活力,能力:
He had so much energy that he did the work of three men.
He is full of energy.
2. a source of power, such as fuel, used for driving machines, providing heat, etc. 能,能量
【辨】strength, force, power, energy:
①strength 来源于 strong,强调体力,指力气,力量,特指人的力气:The boy lifted the stone with all his strength.
at last his strength gave out. 他终于体力不支了。
②force指外力、强迫力、破坏力(包括武力):We had to use force to get into the house. 我们不得不强行进屋。
③power指能量,能力(包括自然界的能量和人的能量)权力:come into power 掌权。
④energy指精力,多形容人或机械器具,与strength 相对。
engage** [in’ɡeidʒ] vt. & vi.
1. to become occupied or involved in(使)从事于,使忙着:
Sorry, the line is engaged.
Only 10% of american adult engage in regular exercise.
2. to employ sb. to do a particular job 雇用:
They engaged a cook for the summer.
engage sb. as a guide/an interpreter 雇用一个人作向导/翻译员
【派】engagement n. 1. [c] 约定,契约
2. [c] 婚约,订婚;engaged adj. 忙碌的;订婚的
engine* [‘endʒin] n.[c]
(en-使+ gine 产生:能产生动力的装置)
1. the part of a vehicle that produces power to make the vehicle move 引擎,发动机,机车:
The car wouldn’t go because the engine had gone wrong.
a new engine for a motorvehicle 机动车辆的新引擎
2. a vehicle that pulls a train 火车头:
You don’t often see a steam engine pulling a train.
engineer [ˌendʒi’niə] n.[c]
(engine 发动机+ -er 名词后缀:设计发动机等的人)
a person whose job involves designing and building engines, machines, roads, bridges,etc. a person who is trained to repair machines and electrical equipment 工程师:
a man who makes roads and builds bridges is called a civil engineer.
a chief engineer 总工程师
England [‘iŋɡlənd] n.
a country forming the largest and southernmost part of Great britain and of the United Kingdom, and containing the capital, London 英格兰,英国
English [‘iŋɡliʃ]
Ⅰ n. [c] [U]
the language of England, now widely used in many varieties throughout the world 英语,英文:
in plain English 用浅易明白的英语
Ⅱ adj.
of or relating to England or its people or language 英国的,英格兰的,用英语写的,用英语说的
enhance** [in‘hɑ:ns] vt.
to increase or further improve the good quality, value or status of sb. or sth.增加,提高,增强:
The reviews of the poet’s most recent book enhanced his reputation.
The growth of a city often enhances the value of land close to it.
The moonlight enhanced the beauty of the scene.
enjoy [in’dʒɔi] vt.
(en-使+ joy 高兴)
1. to get pleasure from sth.; to have sth. good that is an advantage to you 享受……之乐趣,乐于……:
enjoy one’s dinner 津津有味地吃饭
He enjoyed good health. 他很健康。
2. like or appreciate 欣赏,喜爱:
There would be sure to be sth. he could enjoy.
▲enjoy oneself 过得开心:
are you enjoying yourself?
enormous** [i’nɔ:məs] adj.
(e-超出+ norm常规+ -ous 形容词后缀)
extremely large 巨大的,庞大的:
an enormous sum of money 巨额金钱
He watched her with sadness and enormous pity.
【同】huge, immense, vast
【派】enormously adv.
【辨】enormous, huge, immense, vast:
①enormous“巨大的”,表示程度极端的、异常的、过度的意味,又有大到不相称的意味:Some animals may be made enormously fat by a particular way of feeding. 通过一种特殊的喂养方式,有些动物可以喂得极肥。
②huge“巨大的”,通常指体积的大,又指逾越一定标准的大,如巨大的山、岩石、怪物、牛、犬、腹、空间、距离、程度、容积等:a huge snake lay there. 一条大蛇躺在那儿。
③immense“巨大的”,有大到不能计算的意味:The distance between the Earth and the Sun may be said to be immense. 地球和太阳之间的距离可以说是巨大的。
④vast“广大的”,通常用以指范围,如广大的海洋、世界、帝国、旷野、距离等:The distance between the poles is vast. 两极之间的距离是巨大的。
enough [i’nʌf]
Ⅰ adj.
as much or as many as required 足够的,充分的:
There’s enough food for everybody.
One mad action is not enough to prove a man mad.
Ⅱ pron.
as many or as much as sb. needs or wants 足够,充分:
He couldn’t earn enough to keep a family of four.
ensure* [in’ʃuə] vt.
(en-使+ sure 确信)
1. to make sure that sth. happens or is definite 使确定,保证:
I can’t ensure that he will be here on time.
2. to protect or make sth. or sb. safe 保护,使安全:
The medicine ensures you against that disease.
3. to make certain of obtaining or providing 获得,保证得到:
I can’t ensure you a good post.
enter [‘entə] vt. & vi.
1. to come or go into sth. 进入:
The train entered a tunnel.
2. to become a member of an institution; to start working in an organization or a profession 加入,参加:
enter a school 入学
enter the church 做教士
enterprise** [‘entəpraiz] n.
(enter-在……中间+ prise 取:从公众中取得某种东西的单位)
1. [c] a company or business 事业,企业单位2. [U] the ability to think of new projects and make them successful 企业心,事业心:
We need a spirit of enterprise if we are to overcome our difficulties.
He is a man of great enterprise.
【同】business, company, firm
【派】enterpriser n.创业者,企业家
entertain [ˌentə’tein] vt.
1. to invite people to eat or drink with you as your guests, especially in your home 款待,以食物饮料招待:
entertain friends to dinner 请朋友们吃饭
The Smiths do a great deal of entertaining.
2. to interest and amuse sb. in order to please them 使娱乐,使欢乐:
entertain the children with tricks 变戏法使孩子们快乐
We were all entertained by his tricks.
【同】amuse, delight
【派】entertainer n.款待者,表演者
entertainment** [ˌentə’teinmənt] n.
1. [U] the action of providing or being provided with amusement or enjoyment 感到快乐或兴趣:
He fell into the water, much to the entertainment of the onlookers.
2. [c] an event, performance, or activity designed to entertain others 娱乐,游艺,技艺表演:
Dramatic entertainments were given two or three times a year.
enthusiastic** [inˌθjuzi’æstik] adj.
feeling or showing a lot of excitement and interest about sth. or sb.热心的,热情洋溢的:
enthusiastic admirers of a film star 某一电影明星的极度仰慕者
The diplomat received enthusiastic praise.
【派】enthusiastically adv.; enthusiasm n. 热情
★entire [in’taiə] adj.
(en-在……内+ tire 拉:全部拉到里边)
including everything, everyone or every part 整个的,完全的,完整的:
The entire village was destroyed.
【派】entirely adv.完全地,彻底地;entireness n.
【辨】entire, whole, complete, total:
①entire“整个的,完好的”,凡已经分割,破坏或切断的,都不能称为 entire;whole 含有再分的观念,entire 则指全然的整个;例如一只橘子切开后,各部分完全无损失,可以称为 a whole orange,但因已切开,便不能说是 an entire orange。
② whole“全部的,完全的”,各部分完全无缺的意思:Tell me the whole thing frankly. 把整件事情坦白地告诉我。
③complete“完全的”“全部的”:It is a complete success. 这里一次全胜。
④total“全体的”“全部的”,指全额量,或程度等的完全:How much is the total sum? 总金额是多少?
entirely* [in’taiəli] adv.
in every way possible; completely 完全地;完整地;全部地;彻底地
entitle** [in’taitl] vt.
(en-使有+title 权力)
1. to give sb. the right to have or to do sth. 给……以权利/资格:
If you fail three times, you are not entitled to try any more.
2. to give sb. a specified title expressing their rank, office, or character 称作,以……为名:
He is entitled Your Excellency.
3. to give a title to a book, play, etc.给……题名:
He entitled the book crime and Punishment.
【同】call, name, title
【派】entitlement n.权利
entrance* [‘entrəns] n.
(entr 进入+ -ance 名词后缀)
1. [c] an opening, such as a door, passage,or gate, that allows access to a place 入口,门,进入之道:
The entrance to the cave had been blocked up.
She hurried over to the entrance to NO.17 platform.
2. [U] the act of entering a room, building or place, especially in a way that attracts the attention of other people 进入:
actors must learn their entrances and exits.
Students were given free entrance to the basketball game.
3. [U] permission to become a member of a club, society, university, etc.入学,入会:
These are required for college entrance.
entry** [‘entri] n.
(entr 进入+ -y 名词后缀)
1. [c] [U] an act of going into or getting into a place; a door, gate where you enter a building 进入,入口:
The army made a triumphal entry into the town.
Thieves had forced an entry into the building.
2. [c] a passage where you enter a building 通道:
The entry to the estate is behind those trees.
3. [c] an item, for example a piece of information, that is written or printed in a dictionary, an account book, a diary, etc. 记载,条目:
make an entry of a transaction 记录一笔交易
The latest edition of the glossary contains 3,000 entries.
envelope* [‘envələup] n. [c]
a flat paper container used for sending letters in; a covering or containing structure or layer 封皮,信封,封套:
Fold the letter and put it in an envelope.
environment [in’vaiərənmənt] n. [c][U]
(environ 环绕+ -ment 名词后缀:环绕……的东西)
the surroundings or conditions in which a person, animal, or plant lives or operates 环境,外界:
a happy family provides a loving environment for its children.
Mold grows best in a warm, damp environment.
envy** [‘envi]
(en-加强语气+ vy 看:带着异样的心情看)
Ⅰ n. [U]
the feeling of wanting to be in the same situation as sb. else; the feeling of wanting sth. that sb. else has 嫉妒,羡慕:
He was filled with envy of me.
They say such scandalous things about you out of envy.
Ⅱ vt.
to desire to have a quality, possession,or other desirable attribute belonging to someone else 羡慕,嫉妒:
I don’t envy him because of his bad-tempered wife.
episode** [‘episəud] n. [c]
an event, a situation, or a period of time in sb.’s life, a novel, etc.; one part of a story that is broadcast on television or radio in several parts 事件,(一段)情节,插曲,一集
equal* [‘i:kwəl]
Ⅰ adj.
1. the same in size, quantity, value, etc. as sth. else 相等的,同等的,不相上下的:
It is reasonable to demand equal pay for equal work.
She cut the melon into six equal pieces.
2. having the same rights or being treated the same as other people, without differences such as race, religion or sex being considered 平等的;同等的:
We will be justly demanding equal rights at work.
3. having the necessary strength, courage and ability to deal with sth. successfully 能胜任的,具备……资格的:
My heart is not equal to the race.
He somehow felt equal to carrying out the plan.
【派】equally adv.平均地,相同地,公平地
Ⅱ n. [c]
a person or thing of the same quality or with the same status, rights, etc. as another 同等的人,对手,匹敌者:
Jane has no equal in physics.
Ⅲ vt.
to be the same in size, quantity, value, etc.as sth. else; to be as good as sth. else or do sth. to the same standard as sb. else等于:
None of us can equal her as a dancer.
equator** [i’kweitə] n.
an imaginary line around the earth at an equal distance from the North and South Poles 赤道:
at the equator, the days and the nights are always of equal length, 12 hours each.
The city lies almost exactly on the equator.
★equip [i’kwip] vt.
1. to supply with the necessary items for a particular purpose 装备于……,配备于:
They did not equip their laboratory properly.
We’ll have to equip our office with word processors, won’t we?
2. to prepare for an activity or task, especially by teaching them what they need to know 使……本身具有:
We want to equip our children with some special skills.
3. to enable sb. to do sth.使(人)能够:
Traveling has equipped him to be sociable with all sorts of people.
equipment* [i’kwipmənt] n. [U]
1. the things that are needed for a particular purpose or activity 装备:
radar equipment 雷达设备
the cost of equipment 设备费用
2. the process of providing a place or person with necessary things 配备,安装,设备:
The complete equipment of the new library will take another year.
era [‘iərə] n. [c]
a period of time, usually in history, that is different from other periods because of particular characteristics or events 纪元,年代;历史时期,时代;重大事件:
We live in an era of instant communication.
★erase [i’reiz] vt.
1. to make a mark or sth. you have written disappear; to remove a recording from a tape or information from a computer’s memory 擦掉,抹去,洗掉(录音等):
He tried to erase the misspelled word.
Erase the blackboard, please.
2. to remove sth. completely 消除,消灭(记忆等):
She had tried to erase the memory of that day.
eraser [i’reizə] n. [c]
1. an object, usually a piece of rubber or plastic,which is used for removing sth. that has been written using a pencil or a pen 橡皮擦
2. an object,which is used for removing sth. that has been written on blackboard 板擦
error* [‘erə] n. [c]
(err 游荡+ -or 名词后缀:走离正路)
a mistake, especially one that causes problems or affects the result of sth.失误,错误:
make an error in spelling 拼写错误
carelessness often leads to errors.
human error 人为的过失
【同】fault, mistake
【派】errorless adj.无错误的,正确的
erupt* [i’rʌpt] vi.
1. (of a volcano) to become active and eject lava, ash, and gases(火山)爆发;(岩浆、烟等)喷出:
The volcano erupted and once for all destroyed the city.
2. to start happening, suddenly and violently 突然发生,爆发:
Violence erupted outside the embassy gates.
escape* [is’keip]
(es-去+ cape 斗篷:留下自己的斗篷而走)
Ⅰ vt. & vi.
1. to get away from a place where you have been kept as a prisoner or not allowed to leave 逃走,逃跑,逃出:
The canary has escaped from the cage.
Some prisoners have escaped.
2. to get away from an unpleasant or dangerous situation 逃离,脱离:
I escaped death by sheer luck.
a lot of passengers were injured in the accident, but he escaped.
3. to be forgotten or not noticed 被……遗忘,逃过注意;逃过(记忆,注意等):
His name escaped me.
The fact escaped my notice.
4. to get out of a container, especially through a hole or crack(液体等)漏出,漏气
【辨】escape, avoid:
①escape“避免,逃脱”,常用于抽象、借喻的情况:The name has escaped my memory. 我记不得那名字了。
②avoid“避免”, “躲开”,指有意识地躲避:I avoid crossing this street at rush hours. 我避免在高峰期过这条街。
Ⅱ n. [c][U]
the act or a method of escaping from a place or an unpleasant or dangerous situation 逃跑;逃脱;逃避:
He had a narrow escape from drowning.
especially [is’peʃəli] adj.
used to single out one person, thing, or situation over all others 尤其,特别地,格外地:
Our garden is beautiful, especially in fall.
“Do you like sweet things?” “Not especially.”
The sunset in the Pacific are especially beautiful.
essay** [‘esei] n. [c]
(es-向外+ say 说:用文字说出的话)
a short piece of writing on a particular subject(文艺上的)小品文;随笔,文章:
Have you read his essay on pollution?
【同】article, composition
【派】essayist n.小品文作者,随笔作者
essential** [i’senʃəl] adj.
1. completely necessary; extremely important in a particular situation or for a particular activity 不可缺少的,绝对必要的,极为重要的:
Sun and water are essential to the growth of crops.
Previous experience is not essential.
It is essential to set our goal realistically.
2. connected with the most important aspect or basic nature of sth. or sb. 本质的,根本的:
There is no essential difference between the two methods.
【派】essentially adv.本质上,实质上,基本上
establish* [is’tæbliʃ] vt.
(e-加强语气+ stabl 稳+ -ish 动词后缀:使稳立)
1. to start or create an organization, a system,etc. 建立,开设,制定:
He established a new business.
The company was established in 2018.
2. to hold a position or succeed in sth. well enough to make people accept and respect you 使立足,确立:
He established himself as an able lawyer.
He has just set up his own business but it will take him a while to get established.
3. to show sth. to be true or certain by determining the facts 确立,证明:
Newton established the law of gravity.
The defense established that he was innocent.
establishment [is’tæbliʃmənt] n.
1. [U] the act of starting or creating sth. that is meant to last for a long time 设立,创立,制定:
the establishment of a new university 新大学的设立
the establishment of a political party 政党的组成
2. [U] the provement or determination of facts 确立,证明:
the establishment of a new theory 新理论的确立
3. [c] an organization, a large institution or a hotel 企业,设施:
The hospital is the oldest establishment in the town.
estate** [is’teit] n. [c]
an area or amount of land or property 地产,房地产,所有地:
The estate consists of the main house, two large barns, and l00 acres of meadow.
estimate** [‘estimeit]
Ⅰ vt. & vi.
1. to form an idea of the cost, size, value,etc. of sth., but without calculating it exactly 估计,概算:
I estimated his loss at three million dollars.
I estimated his age to be about 30.
I estimated that it would take her five hours to get there
2. to judge 评价,判断:
He is highly estimated among his colleagues.
Ⅱ n. [c]
a judgement that you make without having the exact details or figures about the size,amount, cost, etc. of sth. 估计,估价,概算:
I’ve got three estimates for rebuilding the house.
The expert’s estimate is that this image of buddha is 200 years old.
★etc. [ˌet’setərə] adv.
used after a list to show that there are other things that you could have mentioned(etcetera 缩写)等等
Europe [‘juərəp] n.
the continent next to asia in the east,the atlantic Ocean in the west, and the Mediterranean Sea in the south 欧洲
European [ˌjuərə’pi:ən]
Ⅰ n.
a person from Europe, or whose ancestors came from Europe 欧洲人
Ⅱ adj.
of or connected with Europe 欧洲的
evaluate** [i’væljueit] vt.
to form an opinion of the amount, value or quality of sth. after thinking about it carefully 评价,估计,估量:
It’s hard to evaluate her as a singer.
【同】calculate, estimate
evaluation [i’væljueiʃən] n. [c][U]
the judgement of the amount, value or quality of sth.估计,评价:
The student then behaves in accordance with his evaluations.
eve* [i:v] n. [c]
the day or evening before an event, especially a religious festival or holiday(节日等的)前夜,前夕:
christmas Eve 圣诞节前夜
even [‘i:vən]
Ⅰ adv.
1. used to emphasize sth. unexpected or surprising 即使,甚至,连……:
Even a child can answer such an easy question.
2. used when you are comparing things, to make the comparison stronger 更加,更:
She is even lovelier than usual today.
3. used to introduce a more exact description of sb. or sth.甚至可以说,实际上:
She looked pleased, even overjoyed, at her son’s success.
Ⅱ adj.
1. smooth and flat 平坦的,平的:
There is not enough even land to build an airport in the hilly region.
2. in the same plane or line; level 平行的,水平的:
The wall around the house is even with my eye.
3. having little variation in quality; regular 均匀的,平稳的:
The plane flew at an even speed.
an even colour 均匀的颜色
4. that can be divided exactly by two 双数的,偶数的:
an even page 双页
【派】evenly adv.均匀地;unevenly adv.不均匀地
▲even if/though 即使,虽然:
Even if I have to sell my house, I’ll keep my business going.
Even if he is poor, she still loves him.
▲even then 即使那时:
I told all I knew, but even then the police were not satisfied.
evening [‘i:vniŋ] n.
1. [c] [U] the part of the day between the afternoon and the time you go to bed 傍晚,黄昏,晚上:
My father came home at seven in the evening yesterday.
The baby was born on the evening of December 9.
2. [c] an event of a particular type happening in the evening 晚会,……之夜:
a musical evening 音乐晚会
event* [i’vent] n.
(e-出+ -ent 来:出来,出现,发生,发生的事情)
1. [c] a thing that happens, especially sth. important 事件,大事:
current events 时事
2. [c] one of the races or competitions in a sports programme 项目,一场比赛,一场胜负:
a main event 主要的项目
an annual event 每年一度的运动项目
【同】affair, business
【辨】event, accident, incident:
①event“事件”,指重大的事件,尤其是指历史事件:The founding of the People’s Republic of china is a great event in the history of mankind. 中华人民共和国的成立是人类历史上的一件大事。
②accident“事故”,特指不幸的“意外事故”:He had met with an accident on the way, so he was late for the meeting. 他在路上出了点事,所以开会迟到了。
③incident“事件”,普通用语,特指争端:The incident is now a thing of the past. 这事已经过去了。
▲at all events 无论如何:
at all events, you’ll have to explain your failure to come.
▲in any event 无论如何,不管怎样:
In any event I’ll telephone you before I make a final decision.
▲in the event of 万一,如果发生:
In the event of fire, ring the alarm bell.
eventually* [i’ventjuəli] adv.
at the end of a period of time or a series of events 最后,终于:
He worked very hard and eventually made himself ill.
ever [‘evə] adv.
1. used to emphasize the degree to which sth. is true or when you are comparing a present situation with the past or the future 曾经,以前,至今:
When you were living in Paris, did you ever meet his sister?
2. used in negative sentences and questions,or sentences with if to mean ‘at any time’无论何时都(不),至今(不曾):
Nothing new ever happens in this little town.
I haven’t ever been abroad.
3. used after when, why, etc. to show that you are surprised or shocked 究竟,到底:
How ever did you get him to do it?
Why ever didn’t you tell me she was coming with us?
【同】always, at all
▲for ever 永远:
I’ll love my motherland for ever.
every [‘evri] adj.
1. used with singular nouns to refer to all the members of a group of things or people 每一个,所有的,一切的:
Every tree in the garden bears good fruit.
Every television we produce has its own number.
Nearly every student in my class passed the examination.
2. used to say how often sth. happens or is done 每……,每隔(逢):
The Olympic Games are held every four years.
3. all possible 无论哪个……都,所有可能的:
He enjoyed every minute of his life.
everybody [‘evribɔdi] pron.
everyone 每人,人人:
Everybody likes to be free.
Everybody’s business is nobody’s business.
Everybody can not be a singer.
everyday [‘evridei] adj.
(every 每- +day 天)
used or happening every day or regularly; ordinary 每日的,日常的:
everyday routine 每天的例行工作
everyday life 日常生活
everyone [‘evriwʌn] pron.
(every 每+ one 人)
every person; all people 每人,人人:
Not everyone is kind.
【同】each one, everybody
everything [‘evriθiŋ] pron.
all things 一切事物,每样事物:
Everything is going well.
Tell me everything about it.
Not everything went well with me.
everywhere [‘evrihwɛə] adv.
(every 每+where 处)
1. in, to or at every place; all places 到处,处处:
I have looked everywhere for it.
2. no matter where 无论何处,无论什么地方:
The dog followed me everywhere I went.
【同】all round, all over
evidence** [‘evidəns] n.
(e-出+ vid 看+ -ence 名词后缀:可以看得出来)
1. [c] the facts, signs or objects that make you believe that sth. is true 证据,物证;证词:
Do you have any evidence of his innocence?
We have enough evidence to prove him innocent.
2. [U][c] signs, indications 形迹,迹象,征兆:
There is evidence that he has slept here.
【辨】evidence, proof, witness:
①evidence“证据”,明白地证明某事为真实的事物,都叫作 evidence,多用在精神和智力的方面:The judge required me to give evidence. 法官要我提供证据。
②proof“实证”,它是 evidence 的结果,是构成事实的结论的东西,因而,常可听到如此的话:What evidence have you to offer in proof of the truth of your statement? 你能提供什么证据来证明你的话是真实的?
③witness“见证”,多被用作“证人”的意味,有“目击者”的意义包含在内:Please call him out as witness. 请传他当证人。
exactly [iɡ’zæktli:] adv.
1. precisely, without vagueness 正确地,精确地:
Tell me exactly what happened.
2. used to emphasize that it is right or correct 恰好地,正好的:
That is exactly what I wanted to buy.
【同】precisely, correctly
exam [iɡ’zæm] n.
(=examination) [iɡˌzæmi’neiʃən]
1. [c] a formal written, spoken or practical test, especially at school or college, to see how much you know about a subject, or what you can do 考试:
We’ll have an oral exam in English tomorrow.
She usually gets over 80 points in any exam.
2. [U] [c] a medical test of a particular part of the body 检查,调查,诊察:
have a medical exam 做健康检查
examine** [iɡ’zæmin] vt.
1. to consider or study an idea, a subject,etc. very carefully 调查,检查;研讨:
We had our suitcases examined at the airport.
You had better examine the old records.
2. to give sb. a test to see how much they know about a subject or what they can do 测验:
I examined students in English.
example [iɡ’zɑ:mpl] n. [c]
(ex-出+ am 拿+ -P + -le 名词后缀:拿出来做样品的东西)
1. sth. such as an object, a fact or a situation that shows, explains or supports what you say 例子,实例:
The world is full of examples of how easily people are misled.
2. a thing that is typical of or represents a particular group or set 样本,标本:
an example of a rare insect 稀有的昆虫标本
3. a person or their behaviour that is thought to be a good model for others to copy 榜样,模范:
follow a person’s example 学某人的榜样
▲for example 例如:
I’d like to keep a pet, for example, a dog.
Many great men have risen from poverty, Lincoln and Edison, for example.
▲set an example to sb.以身作则,为某人树立榜样:
He set an example of wholehearted service to the people.
excellent [‘eksələnt] adj.
extremely good 优越的,卓越的,极好的:
Japanese televisions are famous for the excellent quality of the picture they give.
【同】best, remarkable, superior, wonderful
【派】excellently adv.
【辨】excellent, good, fine, well:
①excellent“优秀的”“杰出的”,是“极好的”意思,比 good, fine 都要好:We had an excellent harvest last year. 去年我们获得了大丰收。
②good“好的”“合适的”,最普通的用语,指事物或人品的好坏,不能指人的身体好坏:That is a good book. 那是本好书。
③fine“美好的”“优良的”,指品质好,人身体好,天气晴朗等:Fine weather,isn’t it? 天气真好,是不是?
④ well“好”,一般用作副词,当形容词用作表语,指身体好:“are you well?”“Quite well, thank you.” “你身体好吗?” “很好,谢谢你。”
except [ik’sept]
(ex-外出+ cept 拿,取:拿出去,排除)
Ⅰ prep.
not including; other than 除……之外,……以外:
We go to school every day except Saturday and Sunday.
He goes to the library every day except when he is not well.
Ⅱ vt.
to specify as not included in a category or group; to exclude 除去,除外:
They excepted John from the list.
▲except for 除……之外,要不是:
The movie was good except for the ending.
I would join you except for my headache.
★exception [ik’sepʃən] n.
1. [c] a person or thing that is not included in a general statement 例外,例外之物:
I don’t drink, but today is an exception.
There are exceptions to every rule.
2. [c] a deliberate act of omission 除去,除外,被除去
【同】excepting, exclusion
▲with the exception of 除……之外:
She likes all her teachers with the exception of Miss Smith.
exceptional** [ik’sepʃənl] adj.
1. very unusual 例外的,特别的,稀有的:
Such warm weather is exceptional for January.
2. unusually good 非常优秀的,卓越的:
an exceptional achievement 卓越的成就
exchange* [iks’tʃeindʒ]
Ⅰ vt.
1. to give and receive 交换,互换,调换:
We only exchanged a few words because we were in a hurry.
She wanted to exchange the blouse because it didn’t fit.
I often exchange information with him.
2. to change an amount of one currency for an equal value of another 兑换:
can I exchange pounds for dollars here?
Ⅱ n.
[c] [U] an act of giving sth. to sb. or doing sth. for sb. and receiving sth. in return 交换,互换:
They made a silent exchange of smiles.
【派】exchanger n.交换品
excited [ɪk’saɪtɪd] adj.
feeling or showing happiness and enthusiasm 激发的;兴奋的,激动的;活跃的;受刺激的
excitement [ik’saitmənt] n.
1. [U] the state of feeling excited 兴奋,(心情等的)动摇:
cause excitement 引起兴奋
She cried in her excitement.
2. [c] sth. that you find exciting 使兴奋之事物,刺激:
a trip full of excitements 充满刺激的旅行
exciting [ik’saitiŋ] adj.
causing great interest or excitement 使兴奋的,刺激的,极其有趣的:
an exciting book 非常有趣的书
an exciting moment 兴奋的时刻
This is the most exciting film this year.
excuse [iks’kju:z]
(ex-出+ cuse 责备:从责备中解脱出来,不责备)
Ⅰ vt.
1. to forgive 原谅,宽恕:
I won’t excuse you a second time.
Such bad manners cannot be excused.
Excuse me for bothering you.
2. to make your or sb. else’s behaviour seem less offensive by finding reasons for it 成为……的理由,为……辩解:
Ignorance of the rule can not excuse your violation of it.
3. to allow sb. not to do sth. that they should normally do 使免除,允许中途退席:
The teacher excused me from exercise because I had a cold.
We were excused from the punishment.
You can be excused.
【辨】excuse, pardon, forgive:
①excuse“原谅”,语气较轻,宾语一般是过错,疏忽或犯过失的人:Excuse me for being late. 请原谅我来晚了。
②pardon“原谅”“饶恕”,正式用语,可用作名词:These mistakes should be pardoned. 这些错误应该宽恕。
③ forgive“原谅”“宽恕”,有从心里宽容的意义:This is an insult that will not be easily forgiven. 这个侮辱是不能轻易宽恕的。
Ⅱ n.
1. [c] [U] a reason, either true or invented,that you give to explain or defend your behaviour 辩白,辩解;理由,借口:
He made a good excuse for breaking the regulations.
There’s no room for any excuse for what you have done.
2. [c] a note written by a parent or doctor to explain why a student cannot go to school or sb. cannot go to work 请假条,请假单
exercise [‘eksəsaiz]
(ex-加强语气+ ercise 关在内:关……在内,控制,为我所用)
Ⅰ n.
1. [U] [c] physical or mental activity that you do to stay healthy or become stronger 运动,体操:
Jogging is good exercise.
2. [c] a set of questions in a book that tests your knowledge or practises a skill 练习,训练;功课:
do exercises in English composition 练习英文作文
3. [U] the use of power, a skill, a quality or a right to make sth. happen 运用,行使:
the exercise of imagination 运用想象力
Ⅱ vt. & vi.
1. to do sports or other physical activities in order to stay healthy or become stronger;to make an animal do this 运动,使……运动,训练:
You should exercise more instead of studying constantly at home.
She exercises her dog every morning.
【同】drill, train
【派】exerciser n.锻炼者,受练者
2. to use your power, rights or personal qualities in order to achieve sth. 运用,行使:
He exercised good judgement.
You can exercise the right to refuse to answer.
【辨】exercise, practice, drill:
①exercise“练习”“操练”,可用于身心两方面:This is called exercise of memory. 这叫作记忆力训练。
②practice“练习”“实践”,指为了求得完善,熟练而有规则的去做某事:It is no good learning without practice. 学而不练是不好的。
③drill“练习”“操练”,指严格地训练:The teacher gave the students a drill in the use of this computer. 教师训练学生使用这台计算机。
exhibition** [ˌeksi’biʃən] n.
1. [c] a public event at which pictures, sculptures,or other objects of interest are displayed 展览会
2. [c] the act of showing a skill, a feeling,or a kind of behaviour 表示,表明,发挥:
an opportunity for the exhibition of bravery 表现勇气的好机会
exist* [iɡ’zist] vi.
(ex-出+ ist 站:站出)
1. to be real; to be present in a place or situation 存在,实际上有:
Democracy cannot exist in this political climate.
2. to live, especially in a difficult situation or with very little money 活着,靠……生存:
Fish cannot exist out of water.
【同】continue, live, remain
exit* [‘eksit]
(ex-出+ it 走)
Ⅰ n. [c]
1. a way out of a public building or vehicle 出口,出路:
They all hurried towards the exit.
That’s the only exit from the theater.
2. an act of leaving, especially of an actor from the stage 出场,退场:
make one’s exit 退场
【同】doorway, gate
Ⅱ vt. & vi.
to go out; to leave a building, stage, vehicle, etc.离开,退场,退去
expand** [iks’pænd] vi.& vt.
(ex-向外+ pand 展开)
1. to become greater in size, number or importance 伸展,膨胀,鼓起:
a balloon expands as it is filled with air.
The boy expanded his chest by breathing deeply.
2. to become bigger and include more people, goods, or activities 扩大,扩张:
expand business 扩充事业
expansion** [iks’pænʃən] n. [U]
1. the action of becoming larger or more extensive 扩张,扩大,发展,展开:
expansion of territory 领土扩张
industrial expansion 产业的发展
2. the increase in volume 膨胀:
the expansion of gases 气体的膨胀
expect [iks’pekt] vt.
(ex-向外,向前+ pect 看:向外、向前看)
1. to think or believe that sth. will happen or that sb. will do sth.预期,预料:
We expect a hot summer this year.
I expect him home at nine.
2. to demand that sb. will do sth. because it is their duty or responsibility 期望,指望:
You should not expect a reward.
You expect too much of your child.
【辨】expect, look forward to:
by using soil conditioners, we can expect that plants grow faster and reach a large size.
②look forward to“等待”“盼望”,抱有焦急、欢悦的心情:We’re looking forward to seeing the film. 我们盼望看到那部电影。
expectation** [ˌekspek’teiʃn] n.
1. [U] a belief that sth. will happen because it is likely 期待,预期,期望:
without much expectation of success 对于成功不抱太大期望
2. [c] a strong belief about the way sth. should happen or how sb. should behave 期望,指望:
The concert came up to our expectations.
expense** [iks’pens] n.[c][U]
the money that you spend on sth.支出,开支,费用,消费:
I spare no expense to collect the paintings by Picasso.
at one’s own expense 自费
The expense of living is immense.
【辨】expense, cost:
①expense“费用”,含有较不确定的意味,例如旅行、建筑、聚餐、战争、求学等的费用:He educated his brothers at his own expense. 他出钱培养他的兄弟。
②cost“费用”,为获得或生产某物所费的金额,是时间、劳力等总计:I acquired it at a great cost. 我花很大代价得到此物。
expensive [iks’pensiv] adj.
costing a lot of money 昂贵的,花钱的:
My father bought me a very expensive camera.
That painting is too expensive for me to buy.
It is expensive to travel by plane.
【派】expensively adv.;expensiveness n.
experience [iks’piəriəns]
(ex-加强语气+ peri 试+ -ence 名词后缀:到实践中去试,亲身体会)
Ⅰ n.
1. [U] the knowledge and skill that you have gained through doing sth. for a period of time; the process of gaining this 经验,体验:
Experience is the best teacher.
2. [c] an event or activity that affects you in some way 经验之事,经历:
have a pleasant experience有愉快的体验
Please tell us of your experience while in africa.
Ⅱ vt.
to have and be aware of a particular emotion or physical feeling 经验,体验:
Have you experienced real hunger?
He experienced great hardships for the first time in his life.
experiment* [iks’perimənt]
(ex-加强语气+peri 试+ -ment 名词后缀)
Ⅰ n. [c][U]
a scientific test that is done in order to study what happens and to gain new knowledge; a new activity, idea or method that you try out to see what happens or what effect it has 实验,尝试:
make a chemical experiment 做化学实验
The theory was proved by experiment.
【同】test, research, examination
Ⅱ vi.
to do a scientific experiment or experiments;to try or test new ideas, methods, etc. to find out what effect they have 做实验,尝试:
The teacher experimented with a new teaching method.
【派】experimenter n.实验者,试验者
expert* [‘ekspə:t]
(ex-加强语气+ pert 试:在实践中试过很多次的)
Ⅰ n. [c]
a person with special knowledge, skill or training in sth.熟练者,高手,专家:
a fashion expert 时装专家
an expert at cooking 烹饪高手
【同】authority, specialist
Ⅱ adj.
done with, having or involving great knowledge or skill 熟练的,老练的,擅长的:
an expert economist 经济学专家
She is expert at handling children.
explain [iks’plein] vt. & vi.
1. to tell sb. about sth. in a way that makes it easy to understand 说明,解释:
She explained that she couldn’t come because she was ill.
I was asked to explain the meaning of the sentence.
2. to give a reason, or be a reason, for sth. 辩解,辩明,辩护:
explain oneself 为自己辩解
explanation [ˌeksplə’neiʃn] n.
1. [U] [c] a statement, fact, or situation that tells you why sth. happened 解释,说明,辩白:
He gave an explanation of how sound travels in water.
Not much explanation will be necessary.
2. [c] a reason given for sth.真相,原因,事实,背景:
The only explanation for his cruelty is that he was drunk.
explode** [iks’pləud] vt. & vi.
(ex-出,外+ plode 鼓掌:鼓掌将……赶下舞台,雷鸣般鼓掌一样)
1. to burst or make sth. burst loudly and violently, causing damage 爆炸,使爆炸:
The time bomb exploded but nobody was injured.
2. to suddenly express an emotion(感情)爆发:
The audience exploded with laughter.
His jealousy exploded when she kissed another boy.
3. to show that sth. is not true, especially sth. that people believe 推翻,驳倒,戳穿:
The new findings exploded the old theory.
4. to increase suddenly and very quickly in number(人口等)急剧增加:
population explode 人口急剧增长
explore* [iks’plɔ:] vt.
1. to travel to or around an area or a country in order to learn about it 探测,实地调查:
We explored the newly discovered island.
2. to examine sth. completely or carefully in order to find out more about it 探究,调查:
The economists explored all the possible ways to check the inflation.
【同】look into, analyze, inspect, hunt, study,search
export* [‘ekspɔ:t]
Ⅰ vt.
to sell and send goods to another country 把……输出,出口:
Japan exports electrical appliances to Europe.
We have exported a lot of goods but we must export more yet.
Ⅱ n.
1. [U] the selling and transporting of goods to another country 输出,出口:
They grow coffee for export in brazil.
2. [c] a product that is sold to another country 输出品,输出额,出口商品:
What are the chief exports of china?
【派】exportable adj.可输出的
expose** [iks’pəuz] vt.
(ex-外+ pose 放: 放在外边)
1. to put sb. or sth. in a place or situation where they are not protected from sth.harmful or unpleasant 使暴露于,使遭受,使接触到:
Don’t expose you skin to direct sunlight.
You are exposing your little son to possible dangers by letting him play in the street.
2. to tell the true facts about a person or a situation, and show them/it to be immoral,illegal, etc.泄露,揭发,通报:
The newspaper exposed the officer as a spy.
They exposed the plot to the police.
3. to allow light onto the film inside a camera when taking a photograph 使曝光:
The film has been exposed.
▲expose sb. to sth. 使接触,使体验:
We want to expose the kids to as much art and culture as possible.
exposure** [iks’pəuʒə] n.
1. [U] the act of showing sth. that is usually hidden 暴露,暴晒:
Exposure to the cold wind left my lips feeling dry.
2. [U] [c] showing truth 暴露,揭发:
the exposure of political corruption 政治腐败的揭发
3. [U] being in a situation where it might affect you 受到:
The paint came off as the result of exposure to the rain.
express [iks’pres]
(ex-出+ press 排、压:挤到处边)
Ⅰ vt.
1. to show or make known a feeling, an opinion, etc. by words, looks or actions 表达,叙述:
She freely expressed her ideas.
The picture expressed the painter’s hatred of war.
I cannot express how encouraging your letter was.
His face expressed his disappointment.
2. to send sth. by express post 用快件寄出:
express all urgent letter 以快件寄出紧急信件
3. to remove air or liquid from sth. by pressing it 榨出(油、果汁等)
Ⅱ adj.
1. travelling very fast; operating very quickly 快递的,高速的:
an express train 快车
an express highway 高速公路
2. special 特别的:
She flew to London for the express purpose of seeing her son.
3. clearly and openly stated 明白表示的,明确的:
give express orders 下明确的命令
Ⅲ n.
1. [c] a fast train that does not stop at many places 快车,直达车:
the 9: 00 p.m. express to beijing 下午九点开往北京的快车
the Shanghai Express 开往上海的快车
2. [U] a service for sending or transporting things quickly 快信,快递,快递邮件:
I sent the parcel by express.
Ⅳ adv.
by express 搭乘快车:
He traveled by express.
【派】expressly adv.明显地,明确地,特意地
expression [iks’preʃən] n.
1. [U] [c] things that people say, write or do in order to show their feelings, opinions and ideas 表达,表现:
the free expression of one’s views 自由地表达自己的想法
Smiling can be an expression of contempt.
2. [c] a word or phrase 措辞,说法,词句:
The Japanese language has various expressions of politeness.
an idiomatic expression 惯用说法
3. [c] a look on a person’s face that shows their thoughts or feelings 表情:
His expression showed that he was angry.
wear a delighted expression 带着高兴的表情
4. [U] the showing of feeling when you are acting, singing, or playing a musical instrument 表现力:
She sang with much expression.
5. [c] a group of signs that represent an idea or a quantity 符号:
mathematical expression 数学符号
extend** [iks’tend] vt.
(ex- 向外+ tend 延伸)
1. to make sth. longer or larger 延长,伸展:
They extended the subway to the suburbs.
We extended the meeting for another 20 minutes.
2. to stretch part of your body, especially an arm or a leg, away from yourself(把手、脚等)伸出,展开:
The lady extended her hand to the guest.
3. to offer or give sth. to sb. 给予(帮助,友谊):
extend warm welcome to visitors 向参观者表示热烈欢迎
4. to make a business, an idea, an influence,etc. cover more areas or operate in more places 扩大……的影响,扩展
extension** [iks’tenʃən] n.
1. [U] the act of increasing the area of activity,group of people, etc. that is affected by sth.延长,扩大,扩展:
the extension of an airport 机场的扩大
the extension of foreign trade 扩展对外贸易
2. [c] [U] an extra period of time allowed for sth.延期,缓期:
She arranged a two-day extension to her holidays.
3. [c] an extra telephone line connected to a central telephone in a house or to a switchboard in a large building(电话的)分机:
Give me extension 15, please.
What’s the extension number of your phone?
extent* [iks’tent] n. [U]
1. the physical size of an area 宽度、大小、长度:
From the hill we can see the full extent of the town.
The road is about 20 miles in extent
2. how large, important, serious, etc. sth. is 程度,限度,范围:
I was amazed at the extent of his knowledge.
to some extent 在某种程度上
【同】degree, reach
external* [ɪk’stɜ:nl] adj.
1. connected with or located on the outside of sth. or sb.外部的,外面的:
the external world 外界
an external wound 外伤
external evidence 外来的证据
2. purely outward or superficial 外表的,表面上的:
external politeness 表面上的礼貌
3. connected with foreign countries 外国的,对外的:
external trade 对外贸易
【派】externally adv.
extinction* [ik’stiŋkʃn] n.
a situation in which a plant, an animal, a way of life, etc. stops existing 绝种,熄灭,灭绝
extra* [‘ekstrə]
Ⅰ adj.
more than usual, expected, or than exists already 额外的,追加的,临时的:
I don’t have any extra time.
an extra edition of a magazine 杂志的增刊
an extra train 加班车
Ⅱ n. [c]
a thing that is added to sth. that is not usual, standard or necessary and that costs more 额外的东西,附加物:
The service charge is an extra.
extraordinary** [iks’trɔ:dnəri] adj.
(extra- 超过+ ordinary 平常的)
1. unexpected, surprising or strange; not normal or ordinary; greater or better than usual 异常的,不平常的,惊人的,非凡的:
He has an extraordinary memory.
an extraordinary idea 离奇的想法
extraordinary weather 异常的天气
2. arranged for a special purpose and happening in addition to what normally or regularly happens 临时的:
an extraordinary meeting 临时会议
【派】extraordinarily adv.
★extreme [iks’tri:m]
Ⅰ adj.
1. very great in degree 极端的,极度的:
This is an extreme example.
the extreme cold of the antarctic 南极的酷寒
the extreme left 极左派
2. as far as possible from the centre, the beginning or in the direction mentioned 尽头的,末端的:
the extreme south of an island 岛的最南端
Ⅱ n.
1. [c] a feeling, situation, way of behaving,etc. that is as different as possible from another or is opposite to it 极端,极端的行为(手段):
an extreme of luxury 穷奢极侈
experience the extremes of sadness and joy 经历极度的悲喜
2. [c] [U] the greatest or highest degree of sth.最大程度,事物的极度:
enthusiasm carried to an extreme 极度热情
an extreme of distress 极度痛苦
extremely* [ɪk’stri:mli] adv.
to a very high degree 极端地;非常,很
eye [ai] [c]
Ⅰ n.
1. either of the two organs on the face that you see with 眼,眸子;眼圈:
She has large blue eyes.
can we see the star with the naked eye?
Her eyes were wet with tears.
2. the ability to see 视力,视觉,视线:
I have weak eyes.
He cast an eye on an article in the newspaper.
3. a particular way of seeing sth.眼光,观察力:
He has a good eye for beauty.
To the eye of an expert, this picture is very valuable.
4. someone’s power of vision(常用复数形式)眼神,目光:
with jealous eye 用嫉妒的眼神
5. a thing resembling an eye in appearance,shape, or relative position 眼状物:
Her dress was fastened with hooks and eyes.
the eye of a needle 针眼
Ⅱ vt.
to look at sb. or sth. carefully, especially because you want sth. or you are suspicious of sth. 盯着,凝视:
The young boy was eyeing a toy in the window.
【派】eyeless adj.无眼的,盲的
▲catch one’s eye 引人注目:
a red pencil-mark on the third page caught his eye.
▲keep an eye on 留意,照看:
Keep your eye on the baby.
You had better keep an eye on that fellow, I don’t trust him.
He could be sure to meet disaster if I didn’t stay to keep an eye on him.
★eyesight [‘aisait] n.[U](eye 眼+ sight 视觉)the ability to see 视力:
have good/bad eyesight 视力好/不好
The old man’s eyesight failed.