labour [ˈleɪbə(r)]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研
n. 劳动,劳工,活计
v. 劳动,努力,分娩
I think it is time for us to enjoy the fruits of our labours.
【相关词】 labourer [ˈleɪbərə(r)] n. 劳工,工人 labour force 劳动力
labouring [ˈleɪbərɪŋ] n. 体力劳动
labour-saving [ˈleɪbə 'seɪvɪŋ] adj. 节省劳力的
lack [læk]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研 IELTS
v. 缺乏,不足,缺少
n. 缺乏,不足,缺少的东西
What does the successful man lack?
【相关词】 lacking [ˈlækɪŋ] adj. 缺乏的,不足的
short [ʃɔ:t] adj. 不足的,短缺的
shortage [ˈʃɔ:tɪdʒ] n. 不足,短缺
scanty [ˈskæntɪ] adj. 不足的,欠缺的
lamp [læmp]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研
n. 灯,照射灯,电灯泡,灯管
How about you buying a lamp for me when you go shopping?
【相关词】 desk lamp 台灯 lamplight [ˈlæmplaɪt] n. 灯光
lamp post 路灯柱 gaslamp [ˈɡæslæmp] n. 煤气灯
land [lænd]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研
v. 降落,着陆,使陷于,跌落,获得
n. 陆地,地产,土地,田地
When his plane landed safely, his family released and were very happy.
【相关词】 landing [ˈlændɪŋ] n. 降落,着陆 landing craft 登陆艇
touchdown [ˈtʌtʃdaʊn] n. 着陆,降落
descent [dɪˈsent] n. 下降
【同义词】 descend [dɪˈsend] v. 下降
laptop [ˈlæptɒp]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研
n. 便携式电脑
He bought a new laptop for me as my birthday gift.
【相关词】 palmtop [ˈpɑ:mtɒp] n. 掌上电脑
portable [ˈpɔ:təbl] adj. 可携带的
portability [ˌpɔ:təˈbɪlətɪ] n. 可携带,轻便
late [leɪt]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研
adj. 迟到的,晚的,已故的,近期的,原来的
adv. 晚,迟,最近地
Even though his teacher told him not to be late for class yesterday, he was late again today.
【相关词】 lately [ˈleɪtlɪ] adv. 最近,不久前
lateness [ˈleɪtnəs] n. 晚,迟
latecomer [ˈleɪtkʌmə(r)] n. 迟到者
【同义词】 delay [dɪˈleɪ] v. 延误,耽搁; n. 延误,耽搁
law [lɔ:]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研
n. 法律,法制,法规,法学
v. 起诉,控告
No one is allowed to be above the law.
【相关词】 lawmaker [ˈlɔ:meɪkə(r)] n. 立法者
lawsuit [ˈlɔ:sju:t] n. 诉讼,起诉 civil law 民法
lawn [lɔ:n]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研
n. 草坪,草地
v. 将地修成草坪
Many children were playing on the lawn in front of your house.
【同义词】 sod [sɒd] n. 草坪,草地 turf [tɜ:f] n. 草皮,草地
greensward [ˈɡri:nswɔ:d] n. 草地 sward [swɔ:d] n. 草地
lawyer [ˈlɔ:jə(r)]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研
n. 律师
He wants to live up to his ideal to be a lawyer, so he left the small town.
【相关词】 counsel fee 律师费
【同义词】 attorney [əˈtɜ:nɪ] n. 律师 barrister counsel 律师
advocate [ˈædvəkeɪt] n. 律师,辩护者
lazy [ˈleɪzɪ]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研
adj. 不愿工作的,没精打采的,懒惰的,慢吞吞的
She was very disappointed with her lazy husband.
【相关词】 lazily [ˈleɪzɪlɪ] adv. 懒惰地,慢吞吞地
laziness [ˈleɪzɪnəs] n. 懒惰
lazybones [ˈleɪzɪbəʊnz] n. 懒骨头,懒人
laze [leɪz] v. 懒散,懒散地打发
leader [ˈli:də(r)]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研
n. 领袖,领导者,负责人,指挥者,首席律师,向导船
He is proved to be a wonderful artistic leader.
【相关词】 leaderless [ˈli:dələs] adj. 无领导的
leadership [ˈli:dəʃɪp] n. 领导才能,领导地位
leading [ˈli:dɪŋ]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研
adj. 领导的,重要的,主要的,前列的
He plays a leading role in international events.
【相关词】 lead [li:d] v. 领导 leader [ˈli:də(r)] n. 领导人
leadership [ˈli:dəʃɪp] n. 领导能力
leadtime [ˈli:dtaɪm] n. 投产准备阶段
leaf [li:f]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研
n. 叶子,叶片,烟叶,茶叶,(书)页
The trees are thick with leaves.
【相关词】 leafless [ˈli:fləs] adj. 无叶的 leafy [ˈli:fɪ] adj. 多叶的,叶茂的
broad-leaved [brɔ:dli:vd] adj. 阔叶的
【同义词】 foliage [ˈfəʊlɪɪdʒ] n.(植物的)叶,枝叶
leafage [ˈli:fɪdʒ] n. 叶子(总称)
leak [li:k]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 IELTS 考研 TOEFL GRE
v. 泄露,渗漏进,漏出
n. 泄漏,漏洞
Water is leaking from the pipe, and we must take some measures to stop it.
【相关词】 leakage [ˈli:kɪdʒ] n. 泄漏
leaky [ˈli:kɪ] adj. 出现裂缝的,泄漏的
crack [kræk] v. 破裂,裂开;n. 裂缝
cracked [krækt] adj. 破碎的,破裂的
lean [li:n]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 GRE
v. 依靠, 靠着, 倾斜,倾向于
adj. 瘦的,贫瘠的,简洁的
The peasant leaned against the tree to have a rest.
【相关词】 leaning [ˈli:nɪŋ] n. 倾向,偏好
【同义词】 recline [rɪˈklaɪn] v. 斜倚,依靠
rely [rɪˈlaɪ] v. 依靠,依赖
depend [dɪˈpend] v. 依靠,依赖
learn [lɜ:n]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研
v. 学习, 学会, 记住,认识到,获知,听到,了解到
I will appreciate it if you could help me to learn English.
【相关词】 learned [ˈlɜ:nɪd] adj. 有学问的,博学的
learner [ˈlɜ:nə(r)] n. 学习者
learning [ˈlɜ:nɪŋ] n. 学习
learning curve 学习曲线
leather [ˈleðə(r)]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研
n. 皮革,皮革制品
v. 用皮革包盖,用皮鞭抽打
My aunt likes the boots which are made of leather.
【相关词】 leatherette [leðəˈret] n. 人造皮,人造革
leathery [ˈleðərɪ] adj. 似皮革的
patent leather 漆皮,漆革
leave [li:v]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研
n. 假期,休假,辞别
v. 离开, 遗弃, 出发,留下,委托
I cherish the memory of the school days when we tried our best to find various reasons to ask for a leave.
【相关词】 compassionate leave 事假(多因亲人病故)
sick leave 病假 maternity leave 产假
leg [leɡ]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研
n. 腿,支柱,支架
v. 走,跑
He broke his left leg when he jumped from the tree at the age of five.
【相关词】 thigh [θaɪ] n. 大腿 shank [ʃæŋk] n. 小腿
the lower leg 小腿 calf [kɑ:f] n. 小腿肚
legwork [ˈleɡwɜ:k] n. 跑腿活,外勤
legal [ˈli:ɡl]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研 IELTS
adj. 法律的,合法的, 法定的, 律师的,法律认可的
n. 法定权利
Make sure all your actions are legal, because your children will imitate your behavior.
【相关词】 legal action 法律诉讼 legal aid 法律援助
illegal [ɪˈli:ɡl] adj. 不合法的
legally [ˈli:ɡəlɪ] adv. 合法地,法律上地
leisure [ˈleʒə(r)]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL
n. 休闲,闲暇,悠闲,安逸
adj. 空闲的,闲暇的,业余的
I'm busy now, and I have no leisure for reading stories.
【相关词】 leisure centre 休闲活动中心 leisured [ˈleʒəd] adj. 悠闲自在的
leisurely [ˈleʒəlɪ] adv. 悠闲地
leisurewear [ˈleʒəweə(r)] n. 休闲服
lend [lend]…………………………………………CET4 考研 CET6
v. 把……借给,贷(款),给予,增加,增加
I will lend you my dictionary tomorrow, but you must return it as soon as possible.
【相关词】 lending rate 贷款利率 lender [ˈlendə(r)] n. 贷方
moneylender [ˈmʌnɪlendə(r)] n. 放款人,放高利贷者
loan shark 放高利贷者
lens [lenz]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研 IELTS
n. 透镜,镜头,镜片
This pair of glasses are made of plastic lens.
【相关词】 wide-angle lens 广角透镜
fisheye lens 鱼眼镜头,超广角镜头
telephoto lens 长焦镜头 zoom lens 变焦镜头
lesson [ˈlesn]…………………………………………CET4 考研 CET6
n. 功课,课,教训,经验,课程
v. 教,教训,训斥,授课,告诫
She earned her living by giving lessons to students.
【相关词】 unit [ˈju:nɪt] n. 单元,课
subject [ˈsʌbdʒɪkt] n. 学科,科目
syllabus [ˈsɪləbəs] n. 课程大纲
programme [ˈprəʊɡræm] n. 教学大纲,课程
letter [ˈletə(r)]…………………………………………CET4 考研 CET6
I want to write a letter to my grandpa, but he is illiterate and cannot read it.
【相关词】 letterhead [ˈletəhed] n. 信头
postcard [ˈpəʊstkɑ:d] n. 明信片
notepaper [ˈnəʊtpeɪpə(r)] n. 信纸,信笺
letter box 信箱 letter of credit 信用证
library [ˈlaɪbrərɪ]…………………………………………CET4 考研 CET6
n. 图书馆,藏书室,文库
Let's go to the library and borrow some foreign books.
【相关词】 librarian [laɪˈbreərɪən] n. 图书馆馆长,图书馆管理员
lending library 公共图书馆(工具书可外借)
reference library 参考书阅览室(图书不外借)
licence [ˈlaɪsns]…………………………………………IELTS
n. 许可证,许可
v. 特许,发放执照
I guess their licences have expired.
【相关词】 business licence 营业执照
special licence 特别许可证
【同义词】 certificate [səˈtɪfɪkət] n. 证书,执照
lie [laɪ]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研
v. 平躺,平放在,处于,坐落于
The child lay on the floor and refused to stand up whatever his mother said.
【相关词】 lie-down [ˈlaɪdaʊn] n. 小睡,小憩 lie-in [laɪɪn] n. 睡懒觉
recumbent [rɪˈkʌmbənt] adj. 躺着的 sprawl [sprɔ:l] v. 躺卧
lie [laɪ]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研
v. 撒谎
n. 谎言
He told a lie about his age to join the army.
【相关词】 liar [ˈlaɪə] n. 说谎的人 rumor [ˈru:mə] n. 谣言,传闻
cheat [tʃi:t] v. 欺骗 wheedle [ˈwi:dl] v. 用甜言蜜语哄骗
life [laɪf]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研
n. 生命,生活,生计,人生,一生
It was cancer that took away his father's life.
【相关词】 lifeblood [ˈlaɪfblʌd] n. 生命线
life expectancy 预期寿命 lifespan [ˈlaɪfspæn] n. 寿命
life-threatening [laɪf ˈθretnɪŋ] adj. 威胁着生命的
lifetime [ˈlaɪftaɪm] n. 一生,终生
life preserver…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研 IELTS TOEFL
The last thing I do before I go to the sea is to inflate my life preserver.
【相关词】 life jacket 救生衣 lifebuoy 救生圈,救生衣
life vest 救生衣 lifebelt [ˈlaɪfbelt] n. 救生圈
light [laɪt]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研
n. 电灯,发光体,光
adj. 轻的,明亮的,浅色的,少量的
v. 点燃,照亮
Could you give me a hand to switch the light on?
【相关词】 lighted [ˈlaɪtɪd] adj. 灯火通明的
lighting [ˈlaɪtɪŋ] n. 照明,灯光
lighting engineer 灯光师 light year 光年
like [laɪk]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研
v. 喜欢,喜爱
adj. 相似的,相同的
n. 喜好,爱好
Knowing that my daughter liked playing the piano, I bought one for her with all my savings.
【相关词】 likeable [ˈlaɪkəbl] adj. 可爱的,讨人喜欢的
liking [ˈlaɪkɪŋ] n. 喜欢,爱好 prefer [prɪˈfɜ:(r)] v. 更喜欢
【同义词】 enjoy [ɪnˈdʒɔɪ] v. 欣赏,喜爱
lily [ˈlɪlɪ]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研
n. 百合花
adj. 洁白的,纯洁的
Her mother hopes that she is pretty like a lily.
【相关词】 lily of the valley 铃兰 lily-white [ˈlɪli:ˈhwaɪt] adj. 近纯白的
water lily 睡莲 tulip [ˈtju:lɪp] n. 郁金香
line [laɪn]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研
n. 线,线条,排,行列,界线
v. 排队,用线标出,沿……排列成行
I didn't know why he drew some lines in this document.
【相关词】 line segment 线段 beeline [ˈbi:laɪn] n. 直线
rectilinear [ˌrektɪˈlɪnɪə(r)] adj. 直线的,笔直的
linear [ˈlɪnɪə(r)] adj. 直线的,线状的 ray [reɪ] n. 射线
lion [ˈlaɪən]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研
n. 狮子,勇猛的人,名士,很受欢迎的人
The lions are often considered as the king of the forest.
【相关词】 lioness [ˈlaɪənes] n. 母狮 puma [ˈpju:mə] n. 美洲狮
leonine [ˈli:ənaɪn] adj. 像狮子一样的
mane [meɪn] n. (马、狮子等的)鬃毛
paw [pɔ:] n.(动物的)爪
lip [lɪp]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研
n. 嘴唇,边缘
adj. 唇的,口头上的
v. 用嘴唇接触,轻轻说出
The little girl pursed her lips to blow hard towards the hot soup.
【相关词】 lip-read [ˈlɪpˌri:d]] n. 唇读
lip-sync [ˈlɪp sɪŋk] n. 对口型,假唱 lip language 唇语
lip-service [ˈlɪpsˈɜ:vɪs] n. 空口应酬,说得好听的话
listen [ˈlɪsn]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研
v. 听,倾听,留神听,听从
n. 听,倾听
She worshipped that guy and refused to listen to any criticism of him.
【相关词】 listenable [ˈlɪsnəbl] adj. 悦耳的,好听的
listener [ˈlɪsənə(r)] n. 听者
hearing [ˈhɪərɪŋ] n. 听力,听觉
hearing aid 助听器
【同义词】 hear [hɪə(r)] v. 听见,听说
literature [ˈlɪtrətʃə(r)]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研 IELTS
n. 文学,文学作品,文献,图书资料,文学研究
As far as literature is concerned, I am very fond of classics.
【相关词】 literati [ˌlɪtəˈrɑ:tɪ] n. 文人学士
literary [ˈlɪtərərɪ] adj. 文学的,文学上的
live [lɪv]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研
v. 住,居住,生存,生活,经历,度过
He had lived in New York for a long time before he came to Europe.
【相关词】 liveable [ˈlɪvəbl] adj.(房屋等)适于居住的
homestead [ˈhəʊmsted] n. 家宅,农庄
load [ləʊd]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL
v. (计算机)输入,载入,存储
Have you noticed how long it takes to load the web page these days?
【相关词】 download [ˌdaʊnˈləʊd] v. 下载
upload [ˌʌpˈləʊd] v. 上传
server [ˈsɜ:və(r)] n. 服务器
lobby [ˈlɒbɪ]…………………………………………CET6 考研 IELTS TOEFL GRE
n. 大堂,大厅,休息室,门廊
v. 对……进行游说,通过活动影响
A child was crying in the lobby because he couldn't find his mother.
【相关词】 lounge [laʊndʒ] n. 休息室 bar [bɑ:(r)] n. 酒吧
entrance hall 门厅 men's room 男洗手间
ladies' room 女洗手间
lock [lɒk]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研 IELTS
v.(用锁)锁上,被锁住, 使相交, 卡住,紧抱住
n. 锁,闩,水闸,保险栓
The shopkeeper forgot to lock his motorbike and it was stolen.
【相关词】 lockable [ˈlɒkəbl] adj. 可锁定的,能锁的
locksmith [ˈlɒksmɪθ] n. 锁匠,修锁工
locker [ˈlɒkə(r)] n. 寄物柜
locker room(学校、体育馆等)更衣室,衣物间
log in/on…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研 IELTS TOEFL GRE
Would you mind letting me log in first and using the computer for a moment?
【相关词】 log off/out 退出,注销(计算机系统)
reboot [ˌri:ˈbu:t] v. (计算机)重新启动
password [ˈpɑ:swɜ:d] n. 口令,密码
logo [ˈləʊɡəʊ]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研 IELTS TOEFL GRE
n. 商标,标识,标志
The players wore the T-shirts with the sponsor's logo on them.
【相关词】 trademark [ˈtreɪdmɑ:k] n. 商标 tag [tæɡ] n. 标签
label [ˈleɪbl] n. 标签 brand name 商标名称,商标
look [lʊk]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研
v. 看,注视,注意,搜查,看上去
n. 一看,样子,脸色
He felt very sad when he looked at the portrait of his dead wife.
【相关词】 looker [ˈlʊkə(r)] n. 美人 look-see [ˈlʊksi:] n. 快速查看
lookout [ˈlʊkaʊt] n. 观察所,瞭望台
【同义词】 see [si:] v. 看见,明白 watch [wɒtʃ] v. 注视,观看
loose [lu:s]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL
adj. 宽松的,散漫的
v. 释放,松开
n. 解放,放任
After giving birth to her daughter, she became fat and had to wear loose clothes.
【相关词】 loosely [ˈlu:slɪ] adv. 松散地,宽松地
loosen [ˈlu:sn] v. 松开,放松
【同义词】 loose-fitting [lu:sˈfɪtɪŋ] adj. 宽松的
baggy [ˈbæɡɪ] adj. 宽松的
loss [lɒs]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研
n. 损失,减少,丢失,亏损,损耗,失败,浪费
Due to great loss of blood, he is unconscious at this moment.
【相关词】 loss adjuster 保险赔偿估定员
insurance adjuster 险损估价人
loss-making [ˈlɒsmeɪkɪŋ] adj. 总是亏损的
love [lʌv]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研
v. 爱,热爱
n. 爱,热爱,爱情,友爱,爱人,情人
The poet wrote a love poem to his lover, which aroused her passion.
【相关词】 lovable [ˈlʌvəbl] adj. 可爱的,惹人爱的,讨人喜欢的
loving [ˈlʌvɪŋ] adj. 爱的,充满爱的 love letter 情书
lovelorn [ˈlʌvlɔ:n] adj. 单相思的,失恋的
loveless [ˈlʌvləs] adj. 没有爱的,无爱情的
lover [ˈlʌvə(r)]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研
n. 情人,情侣,爱好者,嗜好者
The woman had a lot of lovers, so her husband divorced her.
【相关词】 beloved [bɪˈlʌvd] adj. 深爱的 n. 心爱的人
sweetheart [ˈswi:thɑ:t] n. 恋人,爱人
endearment [ɪnˈdɪəmənt] n. 钟爱
lovey [ˈlʌvɪ] n. 亲爱的,心肝,宝贝
honey [ˈhʌnɪ] n. 蜂蜜,宝贝(口语)
lunch [lʌntʃ]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研
n. 午餐
v. 吃午餐
These Americans had their lunch in a Chinese restaurant.
【相关词】 lunch hour 午餐时间,午休
lunch box 午餐盒,饭盒
luncheon [ˈlʌntʃən] n. 午餐,午宴
lunchtime [ˈlʌntʃtaɪm] n. 午餐时间
lunchroom [ˈlʌntʃru:m] n.(学校的)食堂,餐厅
lung [lʌŋ]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研
n. 肺,肺脏,呼吸器官,人工呼吸器
The X-ray of his lungs showed that he was likely to have got lung cancer.
【相关词】 lung capacity 肺活量 lobe of the lung 肺叶
pulmonary [ˈpʌlmən(ə)rɪ] adj. 肺的,肺部的