The Pinyin transcription in Basic Chinese for North America Today follows the conventions as outlined in:
(3)《汉语拼音正词法基本规则》(GB/T 16159—1996).
(5)Yin, Binyong&Felley, Mary(1990)Chinese Romanization:Pronunciation and Orthography. Beijing:Sinolingua.
The elements in round parentheses“()”in the phonetics exercises are non-standard auxiliary constructs, only for the purpose of helping the student with the pronunciation. In the vocabulary and text sections, they further indicate grammatical categories, ellipses, or explanations of preceding phenomena.
Pinyin words in an English sentence and English explanations in the vocabulary sections(but not the English vocabulary itself)are written in italics.
In the phonetic section, the square bracket“[]”indicates the international phonetic system. In the vocabulary section, on the other hand,“[]”contains the traditional version of the same Chinese characters in the simplifed version.The parentheses“()”indicates that a character or a character phrase may be optional.The slash“/”would note that the character(s)after the slash is the variant version of the same character before it.
The asterisk in front of a phrase“*”indicates that the phrase is intentionally written wrong(for purposes of practice).
When supplementary words and expressions are introduced, the Pinyin transcription precedes the Chinese characters.
The traditional version of a new character introduced in the vocabulary section is presented in square brackets“[]”,so the student can memorize the simplifed character, but still learns to recognize its traditional form.