Bonton—sweet and chic for kids 甜蜜与别致的童装:邦塔恩
虽然邦塔恩(Bonton)的历史不长,却绝不可小觑。其创办人的家族在法国也有其他成衣生意。此品牌于2001年创建,主要对象为小孩,从出生到12岁,无论男女童装、睡衣、婴儿用品、鞋、包、袜子、床上用品及家具应有尽有。其创办人艾琳·科恩(Irene Cohen)也将儿童店概念化,不让成人世界专美。于2010年落成,位于巴黎第5大道的Filles Du Calvaire店便将楼高三层的概念店呈现得淋漓尽致:除了衣服外,店内还设有儿童书店,另一角落可以找到糖果店;还有理发店提供理发仪容服务!大人累了也可坐下来喝咖啡。所以此店对大人小孩照顾周全。
“Bonton” 在法语中的意思是有修养、有教育,所以他们客人的素质亦可见一斑。星级顾客有斯特拉·麦卡特尼(时装设计师,前Chole主帅)、夏洛特·甘斯布 (演员、歌手)及 索菲亚·科波拉 (导演、演员,知名导演科波拉之女)等,每一位都分量十足。今日每个孩子都是宝,50欧元一件婴儿服并不算太昂贵,尤其是独生子,家长更不会吝啬;我儿子已十多岁,但他穿过的衣服还在小表弟的衣柜里不断被洗净穿着,可想而知是一分钱一分货!
邦塔恩正计划打开国际巿场,特别是有影响力的亚洲国家,如日本、韩国和中国, 让我们拭目以待,或下一次去巴黎的时候去拜访这家旗舰店吧!
Though the history of Bonton is not long, the owner's family has already developed business in apparel for years. The brand was established in 2001. Their main target customers are kids. It ranges from new born to 12 years old. Items are designed for boys and girls as well as babies. They also design pyjamas, kit sets for babies, shoes, bags, socks, beds, beddings, cushions and furniture items. The brand owner Irene Cohen also conceptualizes the store just like any other high end adult brands do. In 2010, a flagship store was established on 5 boulevard Filles Du Calvaire, Paris. It is a 3 storey building which does not only have kids' apparels but also you can find a bookshop corner for kids. Besides, there is a sweet and candy shop too. And there is a coiffure to provide service for kids' hairstyle and grooming. If parents feel tired they can have a seat and try a cup of coffee. And hence the concept store is well considered for families.
The French meaning of the word Bonton is “well educated”. Therefore, you can imagine how good the background and quality of clients are. You will also find celebrities like Stella McCartney (fashion designer, also the then chief designer for Chole), Charlotte Gainsbourg (actress and singer) and Sofia Coppola (the daughter of the renowned director Coppola. She is also a famous director and an actress) who shop. The price level of an overall costs around EURO 50 which hits mid to high market level. Next time when you visit Paris, do not forget to pay a visit to the shop. Let me also tell you that my son is already 16 this year but when he was a kid, his clothes were recycled for their neices to date. Therefore, it proves that good quality of clothes lasts long and can be used for years.
Bonton plans to expand its market across the globe especially to those Aian markets like Japan, Korea and China. We look forward to seeing it, and perhaps we may go to the flagship store when we travel to Paris.
The French meaning of the word Bonton is“well educated”. Therefore, you can imagine how good the background and quality of clients are.
Shop in Paris: 82 rue de Grenelle 7e Paris
Illustration/插图: David Yeung