Nurse: Mr. Zhao,the doctors will operate on you tomorrow,so I will give you an enema around eight o’clock tonight.
护士: 赵先生,明天你就要做手术了,今晚8点左右我要为你做一个术前灌肠。
Patient: Oh,my goodness,no. I have bowel movement very regularly. Besides,the operation is not on my abdomen,why do I need an enema?
病人: 不用,不用。我每天大便都很正常,况且又不是腹部手术,为什么要灌肠?
Nurse: Although the operation is not on your abdomen,we will perform the operation on your hip joint under continuous spinal cord extradural anesthesia. After anesthesia the part below where the drug is used will have no feeling any more. The sphincter of the rectum will be relaxed,and you cannot control the lower part of your body.If you have stool incontinence during the surgery,the operating area will become contaminated. An enema can help you to remove all the stools. Moreover,after the operation you will be on complete bed rest for several days. During the early days after the operation,it is not convenient for you to use the toilet.
护士: 虽然你不是做腹部手术,但你的髋关节手术需用连续硬膜外麻醉的方法。使用麻醉药后,被麻醉平面以下没有知觉,肛门括约肌松弛。你无法像现在一样控制下半身的运动,万一有大便排出,就会污染手术区。灌肠可使肠内的宿便排出体外。况且,你术后需卧床一段时间,手术后开始几天,解大便有可能不方便。
Patient: Why can’t I just use two Glycerin suppository?
病人: 那你给我用两个开塞露不就行了?
Nurse: Glycerin suppository can only help you remove the stool that is in the rectal area,But enema is different. It flls the suds in your colon by the catheter. This will clean the intestines more thoroughly.
护士: 开塞露只能排空接近直肠处的大便,而灌肠则不同,它通过管子将肥皂液灌入结肠中,可以比较彻底地帮助清洁肠道。
Patient: Oh,that’s why. To avoid making a fool of myself,I will not eat anything tonight.
病人: 喔,原来是这样!那我今天晚餐就不吃了,以免手术中出洋相。
Nurse: That’s not necessary. You can eat something light for supper. Then follow the doctor’s order that stop eating and drinking afterwards.
护士: 这倒不必,今晚你可以吃些清淡的饮食,然后按规定禁食禁水就行了。
Patient: Is enema painful?
病人: 灌肠会不会很疼?
Nurse: It may be a little uncomfortable.(turning to Mr. Liu who had the enema before)Mr.Liu,you had the enema before. What do you think about it?
护士: 灌肠可能会有一些不舒服。(转向邻床的刘先生)刘先生,你术前也曾做过灌肠,你觉得怎样?
Mr. Liu: Mr. Zhao,no pain at all. Just feel a little distention when filled with the enema solution. I just followed the nurse’s instruction,opened my mouth and took a deep breath. It is quite effective,so don’t worry.
刘先生: 赵先生,一点都不疼,只是灌肠水灌进去时觉得肚子有些胀。我听护士说要张嘴深呼吸,当我试着这样做后效果不错,不用担心。
Nurse: That’s right,it is better to keep the solution in your intestines for fve to ten minutes.Deep breathing can decrease the feeling of distention. I am quite sure that you can do it very well by following my instructions to clean out the intestines.
护士: 确实如此,灌入肥皂液后最好让它在肠道内保留5~10分钟,深呼吸可以减轻腹胀,只要你按照我提示的方法去做,保证能顺利完成肠道清洁工作。
Patient: After your explanation,I don’t feel as nervous as before. I will do my best to cooperate with you.
病人: 经你们这么一说,我没有那么紧张了,我一定尽量配合。