7.4 Separating Flow
7.4.1 Magnetic separation process flow shall be in accordance with the following requirements:
1 For the ore suitable for the dry magnetic separation,part of waste rock shall be preliminarily discarded by the dry magnetic separation under the condition of coarser grain size.The feed size of dry magnetic separation for coarse grain size shall be determined on the basis of test result;
2 For the ores with nonuniform dissemination of coarse and fine size of valuable minerals,the stage grinding and stage separation process flow shall be adopted;
3 The demagnetizing treatment shall be adopted for the pulp at first,when classification for grinding,classification by fine screen or magnetic separation process are carried out after magnetic separation operation for the strong magnetic mineral.The demagnetizing process shall also be adopted for the fine magnetite concentrate before filtration;
4 The process of removing strong magnetic mineral shall be provided before high intensity magnetic separation;
5 The process of removing trash shall be provided before high intensity magnetic separation;
6 The fine screening process should be provided if fine screen process can improve the grade of concentrate.
7.4.2 Flotation separation process flow shall be in accordance with the following requirements:
1 For the ore prone to argillization,desliming operation should be provided before the flotation separation operation;
2 In multi-stage separation process,the location to return the middlings shall be determined by the test result,and can be adjusted according to the requirements of concentrate quality and the property of middlings in the design;
3 The pulp conditioning operation shall be provided before feed to the flotation separation operation.
7.4.3 Gravity separation flow sheet shall be in accordance with the following requirements:
1 The gravity separation process flow shall be designed on the basis of the liberation properties of valuable minerals,implementing the principle of"recovery earlier and recovery more,discard earlier and discard more".The feed size shall be determined on the basis of beneficiation test result;
2 The gravity separation process flow may be adopted when there are small difference between the specific magnetization coefficient and large difference between the density of the valuable mineral and gangue mineral;
3 For the feed of the gravity separation process,the trash isolation,classification and desliming etc.shall be emphasized.