Alfresco 3 Cookbook

Uploading a document

You have just learnt how to create content using Alfresco Explorer and populate it. However, this process can only create textual, XML, and HTML documents and contents.

Of course, you have other types of files and documents in your disk such as images, office documents, audio, videos, and so on—which you want to put into the Alfresco repository. The editors of Alfresco Explorer won't help you to create and edit such documents. In addition, you must be able to upload the existing files into the repository for enabling document management, and so on.

This recipe will help you understand how to upload your existing documents from your disk into the repository.

How to do it...

  1. Start with opening the space in Alfresco Explorer where you want to upload your document and click on Add Content.
  2. File upload control will appear, click on Browse, and select the file you want to upload in this space.
  3. Property sheet editor opens up, where you can set the name and type of the file you are uploading. Suppose, I have selected a file here with the name logo.gif. The following screenshot appears:
  4. Note that, Alfresco has automatically identified the content type (mime type) of the document, in our case, it is a GIF image. If you are uploading any MS Office documents, the Content Type would be Microsoft Word or Microsoft Excel.
  5. On clicking OK, the file is actually uploaded in the current space, and the property sheet appears offering you to put the name, title, description, author, and so on.

There's more...

Similarly as in the earlier case, here also you can use your custom content types, which enable you to create your own properties, metadata, and details.