Oracle Siebel CRM 8 Installation and Management

Creating a response file for the Siebel Configuration Wizard

In a similar manner as the Siebel installer, the Siebel Configuration Wizard also supports the recording of response files. We can use the MODE=RECORD argument to invoke the configuration wizard in record mode.

C:\SIA8\siebsrvr\BIN\ssincfgw.exe -args LANG=ENU MODE=RECORD MODEL_FILE=C:\SIA8\siebsrvr\admin\siebel_server_sia.scm

The above command will invoke the Siebel Configuration Wizard for the Siebel server in record mode. The wizard will execute as in live mode except that at the end of the process it will prompt for a location of the response file. The response file is an XML file that contains the values entered in the wizard's dialogs.