About the author
Dr. Brian Tuomanen has been working with CUDA and general-purpose GPU programming since 2014. He received his bachelor of science in electrical engineering from the University of Washington in Seattle, and briefly worked as a software engineer before switching to mathematics for graduate school. He completed his PhD in mathematics at the University of Missouri in Columbia, where he first encountered GPU programming as a means for studying scientific problems. Dr. Tuomanen has spoken at the US Army Research Lab about general-purpose GPU programming and has recently led GPU integration and development at a Maryland-based start-up company. He currently works as a machine learning specialist (Azure CSI) for Microsoft in the Seattle area.
I would first like to thank Professor Michela Becchi of the NCSU ECE department and her student Andrew Todd for helping me get started in the world of GPU programming way back in 2014. I also thank my editor at Packt, Akshada Iyer, for her support in the process of writing this book. Finally, I thank Professor Andreas Kloeckner for writing his excellent PyCUDA library, which I have made heavy use of in the course of this text.