Panic behavior
The next configuration variable to check is the panic behavior. By default, Rust will unwind in a panic. This means that it will call each destructor of each variable in the stack if something goes terribly wrong and the application panics. There is another option: not calling anything and simply aborting the program (the standard C/C++ behavior).
The main advantage of the unwind is that you will be able to call the destructors, so any cleanup that should be done for your variables in the stack of the program will be done properly. The main advantage of the abort behavior is that it will require much less code to be compiled, since for each potential panic location a new branch gets added to the code where all the destructors are run. It also gives the code much fewer branches, which makes it easier to optimize, but the main advantage is smaller binaries. Of course, you lose the ability to run the destructors, so some complex behavior might not be properly cleaned, for example, if you need to write something to a log upon shutdown.
If you still think that in your use case, using the abort behavior is a good idea, you can enable it by using the panic keyword:
panic = 'abort'