Mobile Test Automation with Appium

Installing Android SDK (using Android command-line tool)

  1. Navigate to Android Studio page and download the Android Studio package (android-studio-bundle-xxx.xxxxx-windows.exe) for Windows (Link for Android Studio:
  1. Once downloaded, run the .exe and follow the install instructions:
  1. Click on Next >.
  2. Click on the I Agree button.
  3. Create a folder in C drive and name it android-sdk.
  1. On the Configuration Settings Install Locations screen, choose the shown values for Android Studio and Android SDK:

  1. Click on Next
  2. Finish the installation.
  3. Bring up the Windows program search box and type advanced system setting. Click on the View advanced system settings search result.
  4. On the system properties window, click on the Advanced tab and click on Environment Variables.
  5. Under the System variables section, click on New and add a variable name, ANDROID_HOME, and value, C:\Android-SDK.
  6. Under the System variables section, scroll to find PATH and click on edit. Add %ANDROID_HOME%\tools and %ANDROID_HOME%\platform-tools at the end.
  1. To create an Android Virtual  Device, we need to follow these steps:
    1. Launch Android Studio from the installed programs on Windows.
    2. On the Android Studio home page, click on the Configure dropdown and select SDK Manager.
    3. Under SDK platform, choose the SDK platform you want to install, such as Android 5.1 (Lollipop), and select the checkbox.
    4. Click on Apply and confirm the installation.
    5. This will finish the installation of the new virtual device.
    6. Click on OK to close the popup.
  1. Follow the instructions here to set up the AVD on a Windows machine (

Once done, we can move on to the Node JS installation.