How to do it...
- Let's add all the files we'll use in this recipe:
touch app/partial/_chapter-02-06-html.ejs app/partial/_recipe02-
06-css.ejs main-02-06.scss
- Add the following code to app/partial/_chapter-02-06-html.ejs:
<div class="container-fluid">
<div class="row bg-inverse m-4 p-4 lead">
<div class="col-md-6 bg-success p-3 text-white">This div takes
up 6 of 12 columns above the <code>md</code> breakpoint. Below
the <code>md</code> breakpoint, it stacks horizontally (since it
takes up the full width of the screen at those resolutions).
<div class="col-md-6 bg-danger text-white p-3">This column acts
exactly like the previous one, but a different effect is
achieved using different classes to color the text and the
<div class="container-fluid bg-success pt-4 pb-4 mb-5 lead">
<div class="row p-2 m-2 bg-faded">
<div class="col-12 col-sm-10 col-md-8 col-lg-6 col-xl-4 bg-info
text-white p-3">This column starts off as 100% wide on extra-
small screens. This is set with the class <code>.col-12</code>.
On every additional breakpoint above <code>xs</code>, it is made
narrower by additional 2 of 12 columns for the specific
resolution. At the widest resolution, it takes up 4 of 12
columns, as set with the <code>.col-xl-4</code> class.</div>
<div class="col-12 col-sm-2 col-md-4 col-lg-6 col-xl-8 bg-
warning p-2">This div too starts off as 100% wide on extra small
screens, so it is stacking under the first column. On every
additional breakpoint, it starts off only one-third of the
screen, and grows by one-sixth for every higher breakpoint. Note
that the first div has all-arround padding set to <code>.p-
3</code>, and the second div has all-around padding set to
<code>.p-2</code>. <mark>The sum of all the paddings of divs in
a row cannot be greater than p-5 (simply, .p-2 + .p-3).</mark>
Otherwise, the layout would break.</div>
<div class="row p-5 m-3 bg-faded lead">
<div class="col-6 bg-danger text-white display-4 pt-5 ">The
width of this div is set with <code>.col-6</code>. Only at this
smallest resolution is the pattern of col-* different from all
the other ones.</div>
<div class="col-6 col-sm-4 col-md-4 col-lg-4 col-xl-4 h4 bg-info
text-white pt-5">At this smallest resolution, there is no
breakpoint specified between the "col" and the number. Thus,
<code>.col-6</code>. On all the other resolutions above
<code>xs</code>, the breakpoint abbreviation is also used in the
class name. For example:
<li class="">.col-sm-4</li>
<li class="">.col-md-4</li>
<li class="">.col-lg-4</li>
<li class="">.col-xl-4</li>
Note: In practice, it is obvious that adding all these columns
is redundant. If we set the width for this div to 4 of 12
columns at the <code>sm</code> resolution, it will keep the same
width for all the above resolutions too, since Bootstrap is
This code was obviously used to simply show the naming pattern
for all the .col-* classes. In the next recipes, we will show
the right way to actually use these classes.
- Add the following code to partial/_recipe-02-06-css.ejs:
<link href="./css/main-02-06.css" rel="stylesheet"
type="text/css" >
Note that this .ejs file is calling the recipe-specific .css file. As mentioned in the introduction of the recipe, we are not adding any custom styles, but we still need to import and process Bootstrap sass. We also need to keep everything organized and modular, and that is why we are making the files in steps 3 and 4 of this recipe.
- Add the following code to main-02-06.scss:
// Recipe 02-06
@import "./bower_components/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss";
- Change the last three lines of app/index.ejs so that they look like this:
<%# partial("partial/_defaultGrid") %>
<%# partial("partial/_chapter02-05-html") %>
<%- partial("partial/_chapter02-06-html") %>
- In app/_layout.ejs, call the correct .css file, and comment out the rest:
<%# partial("partial/_recipe02-04-css") %>
<%# partial("partial/_recipe02-05-css") %>
<%- partial("partial/_recipe02-06-css") %>
<%# partial("partial/_recipe02-07-css") %>
<%# partial("partial/_recipe02-08-css") %>
- Save, run grunt and harp server, and inspect the result in your browser. Using the developer tools, examine the way that the layout behaves at different resolutions.