Final build
You can download the final build of the Unity project we'll create using this book, so that you can have an idea of the final result:
- Windows: http://goo.gl/dj9Lps
- Mac: http://goo.gl/4FnBC2
Launch the LearninNGUI.exe
or .app
file within the downloaded.zip
archive; you'll see that we have a localized main menu with different options, draggable windows, checkboxes, and so on.
By clicking on the main menu's Play button, you'll see that we have in-game 2D UI elements, such as the player's, and a 3D score counter, and a Pause button. These UI widgets are customizable; after a long left–click on them, you can drag them around.
You can move your character with a left-click. The colored cubes are power sources, draggable with a long left-click. Right-click on them to display the elemental switch user interface; you can now select an element for it to switch to—either Fire, Ice, Lightning, or Water.
There also is an in-game 3D pause menu that lets you go back to the main menu or resume the game. This game will be fully compatible with mobile devices.
Once you have played around with the build, you can continue to the next section and see how you can import the NGUI plugin in Unity and start working to create this!