Chapter 2. Detecting Beacons – Showing an Advert
In the previous chapter, we introduced you to the amazing possibilities of iBeacon and brought the UUID/major/minor broadcasting triplet to your attention. We also built our first, albeit very simple, app that detected the presence of beacons.
In this chapter, we're going to expand our knowledge and get an in-depth understanding of the broadcasting triplet, and we'll expand on some of the important classes within the Core Location framework.
To help demonstrate the more in-depth concepts, we'll build an app that shows different advertisements depending on the major and minor values of the beacon that it detects. We'll be using the context of an imaginary department store called Matey's. Matey's are currently undergoing iBeacon trials in their flagship London store and at the moment are giving offers on their different-themed restaurants and also on their ladies clothing to users who are using their branded app.