Creating and managing scripts
JavaScript scripts are added to a solution package just like any other resource. They are becoming part of the package, and thus are easily portable to other environments, along with the solution.
Getting ready
Using the existing solution package we have created, we will be adding a new JavaScript resource.
How to do it...
To add a new JavaScript resource, navigate to Settings, and open your existing solution package. Follow these steps to add a script resource:
- In the package, navigate to Web Resources.
- In the Web Resources view, select New to add a new script resource.
- Give the resource a name, and select the
Script (Jscript)
option from the Type drop-down list. The Display Name should be in a readable format. It is good practice to always add a Description for other developers that will follow in your foot steps to easily identify the content of the library without having to open the file. - Click on Save, and then on Publish. Now you have a JavaScript resource added to your solution package. There is no actual script added yet, so let's do that.
- Click on the Text Editor button. A new form will open allowing you to type in your script.
- Click OK, then Save and Publish your resource again.
- Now we have a script added as part of the solution package. It is not related to any action, but we will cover that in one of the later recipes.
Sometimes a script resource can become obsolete, and we would want to remove it. In order to remove a script resource that is not associated with any other system entities, perform the following steps:
- From the Web Resources view, select the script.
- Click on Delete.
- Make sure to click on Publish all Customizations for the changes to take effect. Now your script resource has been removed.