concealment of birth
【英文】Under the 1803 Act,the mother of a bastard tried for infanticide,if acquitted,could be convicted of a lesser charge,the misdemeanor of concealment of birth,punishable by up to two years imprisonment.In 1828,however,an act of Parliament reformed the law so that all women,including married women,were equally prosecutable for the crime of concealment.
【解释】concealment of birth在法律上意为“藏匿死婴罪”,而不是“隐藏出生”。
There is no significant difference in the number of cases reported for medicolegal investigation of criminal abortion and concealment of births before and after the Abortion Act which came into effect in 1997.〔译文:1997年堕胎法生效前后,关于医学和法律调查报道的非法堕胎罪和藏匿死婴罪的案件数量上,没有显着差异。〕