2.1 User Management
User management includes:modifying password,modifying user name,adding user and deleting user,in which only system administrators have authority to operate the two terms of adding user and deleting user as shown in Figure 2.1 and Figure 2.2.

Figure 2.1 User's permission(Ⅰ)
(1)Modify password.Click“Modifying password”to have a window for modifying password.Input new password,confirm the new password,and then click“OK”.

Figure 2.2 User's permission(Ⅱ)
(2)Modify username.Click“Modifying username”to have a window for modifying username.Input new username,confirm the newname,and then click“OK”.
(3)Add user.Click“Adding user”to have a window for adding user.Input the name and password of the new user,confirm the password,confirm the system administrator,and then click“OK”.
(4)Delete user.Click“Deleting user”to have a window for deleting user.Select users to be deleted in the drag-down bar,and then click“Deletion”.
(1)After a user has logged on,he only has right to made operation involved with the forecasting schemes under his name.If it is necessary to concern with other forecasting schemes,the system administrator can distribute the forecasting schemes to the user.A user only has right to modify the schemes distributed to him,but he cannot delete the schemes.
(2)After a user has finished his forecasting operation,the forecast results would attach his name for referring.