02 FDA批准5至11岁儿童接种辉瑞疫苗

The US Food and Drug Administration has authorised the use of the BioNTech/Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine for children aged five to 11 years, paving the way for the US to become the first country in the world to green light that jab for younger children.
The agency said its emergency use authorisation was based on a “thorough and transparent”evaluation of safety and efficacy data, which showed the vaccine was 90.7 per cent effective at preventing Covid-19 in children within the age group.
Advisers at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention will meet next week to discuss further clinical recommendations and guidelines for a proposed nationwide roll out of jabs.The US has about 28m children aged between five and 11. However, authorities may face a battle to persuade families to bring their children for jabs. A recent survey by the Kaiser Family Foundation showed almost a third of parents would “definitely” not get their kids vaccinated.